Originally Posted by KueB
I think the problem is with Airave I have at home. The question is, how to change the settings on that Airave to show my current location?
I also have a Airave...and when I'm at home it puts my home weather as Artondale, WA...istead of Federal Way, WA....It's a known issue with the Airave...it's basin the GPS on a backbone server...which for you in in the major city...mine is about 30miles away from me...once I leave my house It changes....theres also a known issue with the timestamp based on the servers the Airave goes through....it sometimes gives a timestamp 1-2hrs behind or ahead of your current time....
Call Sprint and have them send you to there Airave Tech Department and see if they have a fix for it...and if they do post it in here and let us Airave users know.......Also you might want to check this out.....soon to be released...hopefully we can exchange it for this one....