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Old 11-29-2009, 10:29 PM
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Data Connection Issue - Verizon TP2

I looked around and couldn't find an existing thread discussing this exact issue.

Last night the data on my Verizon TP2 (stock rom) suddenly stopped working. I had used Google Maps to locate a place to eat, and when I came out I started getting data errors when attempting to connect with any program. The data connects according to the task bar, but nothing can access it. I haven't installed anything in over a week, and no settings have been changed. When I got home, I tried connecting through WiFi, and I was still getting the same messages about there not being a data connection even though I was connected to a working network. I can get online when I'm connected to my PC through Active Sync, but that's it. I've soft reset the thing several times and still nothing.

Any thoughts before I have to go the hard reset route?
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

data, pro, touch, tp2, verizon

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