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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 03:45 PM
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windows media player and gsen

so this guy over at xda came out with a regit edit that allows opera 10 to function with gsen.

"Activate G-Sensor rotation
HKCU / Software / HTC / HTCSENSOR / GSensor / ModuleName
Add a string with name "Opera10" and stringvalue "\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\Opera10-armv4i.exe"

and next...
HKCU / Software / HTC / HTCSENSOR / GSensor / WhiteList
Add a string with name "Opera10" and stringvalue "OM10-ML-MainWndClass"
Notice! The WhiteList stringvalue is case sensitive.
Soft reset and G-sensor rotation is enabled
Thanks to Syd159"

my question is does anyone know the reg edit to make windows media player rotate with gsen?
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