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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 03:27 PM
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Multiple email account setup

I have a personal email account, work email account and a hobby type of email account. I like the idea of having the direct push but is there a way I can either combine the three to get direct push and save battery life or some other way? I want to keep the ability to know which account the email came from and also to be able to reply using the proper account.

Any help for a novice would be muchly appreciated!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 03:45 PM
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Re: Multiple email account setup

Originally Posted by i4get75 View Post
I have a personal email account, work email account and a hobby type of email account. I like the idea of having the direct push but is there a way I can either combine the three to get direct push and save battery life or some other way? I want to keep the ability to know which account the email came from and also to be able to reply using the proper account.

Any help for a novice would be muchly appreciated!

Unfortunately MS implementation of push email only works via ActiveSync, and you can only configure one activesync account per device.

You could set your other emails to forward to your push account but that would make them all look like coming from that account, and the replies will be from it too..

I have my push/enterprise email setup and 2 additional imap accounts.. The imaps are set to get new emails every 30 mins.. not that much of a drain on the battery altough I don't get the emails as they arrive.
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