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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

The new mightyrom (11/25) has network settings in phone options for automatic-A and automatic-B. The new rom is based on a cdma rhodium 6.5 upgrade that just became available (from US cellular I think). I'm thinking this will fix the issue (hopefully). Won't be in an extended network area for a while to test though.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 11:09 AM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

Originally Posted by snwbrd View Post
The new mightyrom (11/25) has network settings in phone options for automatic-A and automatic-B. The new rom is based on a cdma rhodium 6.5 upgrade that just became available (from US cellular I think). I'm thinking this will fix the issue (hopefully). Won't be in an extended network area for a while to test though.
Hmmm...interesting. I just installed this ROM. I hope this will prove to be true. I won't be able to test for awhile either tho.
Can anyone tell me what's the diff between automatic A and automatic B?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 11:57 AM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

Well, that's great news that Mighty has another updated rom available. I will certainly give it a try. As I was also getting the annoying popup, until I set the phone to Home only, instead of standard. As I mentioned in the other thread, about this, the message stays gone with it set to Home, but that's not a REAL solution. I also bounce between Verizon and US Cellular towers, every day. Definitely Auto A, Auto B related.

Can't wait to see if there is a solution for it, since we are now getting modified USCC 6.5 roms trickling in. I will know if the new rom takes care of the issue right away, since it takes less then a minute at my house for the popup to appear, unless I have it set to HOME only. I will flash tonight for sure!

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

Hey santod,

Have you tried Juicy R3 or 4 by any chance??

I'm on Verizon & had the same annoying problem using Mighty & it has never happened to me running my current Juicy R3.

I'm not 100% sure I was in the same area however & I don't want it to sound like I'm criticizing Mighty's ROM, I'm not as I think it's an amazing ROM.

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 04:00 PM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

This is interesting because even though i'm in sprint territory, I have gone to call someone even on stock rom and got a stupid message saying this is not a US Celluar number.

Course i'm thinking wth!

SPrint towers, verizon network and getting US Celluar msg's.

Originally Posted by Ender519 View Post
Hrm... maybe it has to do with US Cellular... That's where I was roaming and got the problem, and that's where mrvoid was roaming and got the problem.

So the common link is VZW TP2 user with custom ROM, roaming on US Cellular.

I don't want to invalidate the Radio theory, but if that were so why would it not happen on stock ROM? I made the same trip in october with stock ROM and didn't get the message once.. then when I was in the US Cellular area for some time a week or two back and played with the ROM's I confirmed the custom ROM's I tried saw the issue, whereas flashing back to stock ROM fixed it.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

Mighty Mike has a new release out that solves some persistant problems (Like the bluethooth issues). I wonder if it fixes this also?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 10:48 PM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
Hey santod,

Have you tried Juicy R3 or 4 by any chance??

I'm on Verizon & had the same annoying problem using Mighty & it has never happened to me running my current Juicy R3.

I'm not 100% sure I was in the same area however & I don't want it to sound like I'm criticizing Mighty's ROM, I'm not as I think it's an amazing ROM.


I have not yet tried Juicy's roms. I am now anxious to try Mightys new rom and see if this issue disappears. Hopefully with the inclusion of the Automatic A and Automatic B settings, these issues will go away. There was definitely something missing previously for provisioning on their network, in many of the roms that are out.

I am glad to hear that Juicy's may be running as it should without these issues. I'll wait and see what this new MightyRom does. If that doesn't resolve the issue, without me having to set it to HOME, I will then try the latest from SSK. His roms have always seemed rock solid and setup appropriately for Verizon. I'm sure all the chefs will get these issues worked out pretty quickly now that there is a solid 6.5 base rom out there for these CDMA phones.

Might wait till after I stuff myself tomorrow, before flashing again though.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

I just started testing different ROMs with the VZW TP2 and noticed this issue too. I installed MightyRom 11/25 and get this error continually popping up when the PRI displays Extended Network (roaming on Cellular South). What's interesting is that data is still working, even though this annoying error continually displays. I'm in Mississippi and frequently travel in "Extended Network" areas so I'll try some other ROMs and post my results.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

I am also looking for a fix and on Verizon. I can duplicate the issue by going to my in laws and it also causes my phone to heat up cause the message will constantly keep popping up. I had to turn off my phone to keep my battery from dying. I am on the latest and greatest Mighty Rom and have made minimal changes to my phone. I will do some research in the posted threads and let u know if it works since I can create this issue at will. I will be going to Phoenix next weekend to see Favre play the Cards so will need to get it fixed before then since there are several roaming areas on the drive there.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2009, 10:01 PM
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Re: VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??

Originally Posted by santod View Post
I have not yet tried Juicy's roms. I am now anxious to try Mightys new rom and see if this issue disappears. Hopefully with the inclusion of the Automatic A and Automatic B settings, these issues will go away. There was definitely something missing previously for provisioning on their network, in many of the roms that are out.

I am glad to hear that Juicy's may be running as it should without these issues. I'll wait and see what this new MightyRom does. If that doesn't resolve the issue, without me having to set it to HOME, I will then try the latest from SSK. His roms have always seemed rock solid and setup appropriately for Verizon. I'm sure all the chefs will get these issues worked out pretty quickly now that there is a solid 6.5 base rom out there for these CDMA phones.

Might wait till after I stuff myself tomorrow, before flashing again though.

Well flashed to latest Mighty Rom as of today. There are definitely more settings in there, then before, for network. However, even set to Auto B, I got constant popups. I also can get them to come up at will, just by going to certain spots on my property.

Again, the only way to make them stop, was by switching the network setting under :
Settings>Personal>Phone>CDMA Services>Network Service>tap - Get Settings> select HOME ONLY

For me that stops the popups instantly and instead of the phone reading extended network, it reads Verizon. My reception is the same, if not better. So, I really can't be sure that there is any other fix. I may try Juicys still, since I just flashed and am curious if I would still get the popup on his rom. Without me changing that setting this rom would be completely unusable for me, as the popups would come, almost as fast as I could close them. Thank god, that setting works, for me anyway.

I just wanted to throw this information out there in case anyone else experiencing this was wondering if the new Mighty Rom would fix that.

I also did a 10 hour drive yesterday and did not get the popup once, and had reception everywhere, with it set to HOME ONLY! As Verizon will only connect to approved towers anyway, there technically is no roaming. In other words you still get service in all the same places. Just without the popup and it will always say Verizon.

Last edited by santod; 11-27-2009 at 10:04 PM.
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