TouchFlo Skin for Pocket Player
I decided to update wired69's vga touchflo skin for wvga devices. It's a skin for Conduits Pocket Player
Simply tap the center of the screen to switch between the various views: Standard View >> Large Spectrum Analyser View >> Album Art View Standard WVGA Version WVGA Playlist Enabled Version ] WVGA Landscape Version NOTE: Recommended Vis settings: Enable Small Spectrum Analyser The musical note icon on the bottom left will call up the 'Now Playing' screen whilst the settings (cog) icon will toggle the Equaliser on or off. I plan on tweaking it further but thought I would share it for now so please leave feedback. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Extract the PSZ file and copy it to where you have installed Pocket Player (e.g. "<storage>\Program Files\Pocket Player" or "<storage>\Program Files\Conduits\Pocket Player" if using an older version).
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