Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.5(Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/16643; U; en) HTC_Touch_Pro2)
Originally Posted by msh441
Verizon charges for POPmail? Since when?
My bad....I think they charge for smtp service. I dont exactly recall what it was they charge (or charged) for since I havent look into it since my i730 which was 3 years ago, so maybe they changed.
Back on topic, I believe the error has something to do with the proxy settings from what i have gathered to this point so I will reflash the stock ROM, check the proxy settings in Opera then go from there.
Its official, today I have flashed more than a pervert in Central Park.
As for the yahoo email thing. Pop3 for yahoo email for awhile was supposed to prevent yahoo(free) customers from setting up on pocket outlook. Yahoo had a design to where they would block phones from accessing yahoo email and would only unblock for yahoo plus users which was a pay service. I believe they have stopped this as I no longer receive calls at the center anymore about it and they now have agreements with us and blackberry. we never charged for smtp but we did recently shut verizon smtp down due to it constantly breaking and costing for repair. since verizon wireless doesnt provide direct email anyways and it was costing too much money to keep up instead of charging those that used it we just stopped it.
Back on topic. I believe it is also the proxy setting but it could be more than that. I once tried a cab on my stock rom that updated opera to turbo mode and allowed 3 tabs instead of just 2 among other things. This produced the same 400 error and only went back to normal after a hard reset. I believe 400 error is coming cause the proxy for some reason cant detect the device properly due to these setting changes ect.