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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 04:06 PM
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Re: Different from the Loving thread, Anyone here almost addicted to their TP2?

I've gotten so addicted to it that I ended up getting a side job at Sprint just to help others with TP1s and TP2s! I went into the repair center about an issue concerning my then TP1. I had it customized to the max. Me having a brain fart, I gave it to them not knowing that I forgot to change the rom back before I let them service it. After about 10 mins they called to the back of the store to ask me (get this) How to hard reset the device!! Turns out that the tech person didn't know anything about how to service the phone!! So after I showed him what to do, he then asked me about the phone and while I was telling him, at least 3 other people came in asking him about their own TP1s, he just sent them to me. Once he seen that I had put a custom rom on mine, answered their questions and also unlocked them all within the hour that I was there, he offered me a job, and got me a free upgrade to the TP2!. I now come in 3 times a week to customize TP1s and TP2s. I am actually getting paid for my "habit" LOL!!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: Different from the Loving thread, Anyone here almost addicted to their TP2?

Originally Posted by aj48198 View Post
I've gotten so addicted to it that I ended up getting a side job at Sprint just to help others with TP1s and TP2s! I went into the repair center about an issue concerning my then TP1. I had it customized to the max. Me having a brain fart, I gave it to them not knowing that I forgot to change the rom back before I let them service it. After about 10 mins they called to the back of the store to ask me (get this) How to hard reset the device!! Turns out that the tech person didn't know anything about how to service the phone!! So after I showed him what to do, he then asked me about the phone and while I was telling him, at least 3 other people came in asking him about their own TP1s, he just sent them to me. Once he seen that I had put a custom rom on mine, answered their questions and also unlocked them all within the hour that I was there, he offered me a job, and got me a free upgrade to the TP2!. I now come in 3 times a week to customize TP1s and TP2s. I am actually getting paid for my "habit" LOL!!
One of the best stories so far IMO. I would love to be paid for my "addiction" lol. I might end up getting a job at one of these Phone stores in a bit but It may not be just Sprint. I might try ATT just to get a phone for working there and get to know the dark side of GSM while I still have my Sprint Sero plan.. Plus get to play with all the new phones that the CDMA networks don't get in a timely manner. :/

Stupid economy. But If I can work up from a Retail Store Manager to Corp who knows. I could get into smartphone marketing in due time.

Phone History with Sprint: Samsung N400 (Lockup King) - Toshiba VM4050 (Great Screen. No BT) - PPC6700 (Squishy Touchscreen) - Mogul (USB Port No More) - Touch Pro (Davy Jones Locker) - Touch Pro 2 (Oldie But Goodie) - HTC Arrive (I<3WP) : History of Pocket PC's: Dell Axim X50V WM6.5.3 (Still the best VGA PDA gaming and multimedia device since 2004)
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 07:27 PM
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Re: Different from the Loving thread, Anyone here almost addicted to their TP2?

Originally Posted by aj48198 View Post
I've gotten so addicted to it that I ended up getting a side job at Sprint just to help others with TP1s and TP2s! I went into the repair center about an issue concerning my then TP1. I had it customized to the max. Me having a brain fart, I gave it to them not knowing that I forgot to change the rom back before I let them service it. After about 10 mins they called to the back of the store to ask me (get this) How to hard reset the device!! Turns out that the tech person didn't know anything about how to service the phone!! So after I showed him what to do, he then asked me about the phone and while I was telling him, at least 3 other people came in asking him about their own TP1s, he just sent them to me. Once he seen that I had put a custom rom on mine, answered their questions and also unlocked them all within the hour that I was there, he offered me a job, and got me a free upgrade to the TP2!. I now come in 3 times a week to customize TP1s and TP2s. I am actually getting paid for my "habit" LOL!!
Wow thats great. Free upgrade and job you love! They actually let you unlock the customers phones? That's odd. But sounds like a fun job. What do they pay their techs nowadays?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 12:04 AM
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Re: Different from the Loving thread, Anyone here almost addicted to their TP2?

Originally Posted by aznmode View Post
Wow thats great. Free upgrade and job you love! They actually let you unlock the customers phones? That's odd. But sounds like a fun job. What do they pay their techs nowadays?
Believe it or not they do. Its one of those "don't ask don't tell" type of things. The manager/owner charges people a small fee ($20) that want it done (thus the don't ask, don't tell) They have people come in complaining about their phone and if its not an emergency to where they need to fix it or replace it right away, they tell them to come back in during the days that I am there. When I am there I show them how to fix their phones using mine as a guide. When they ask me how I got my phone that way I tell them about custom roms and after that they say those magic words "Can you make my phone like that?" After that I'm off to "Tweak" LOL!! The day job always comes first but the pay is good, ($15/ hour part time 3 nights a week 5p-9p) It keeps money in my pocket for those bar nights plus its in a mall so add in the atmosphere and there is never a dull moment.

Last edited by aj48198; 01-09-2010 at 12:10 AM.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 01:15 AM
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i been this way 2weeks before the device was released! (had mine in hand day before release)! and it doubled when the hspl dropped!!
Advanced posting,PPCG Wiki
Vzw sim unlock, sd rom flashing!!!
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 10:39 AM
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Re: Different from the Loving thread, Anyone here almost addicted to their TP2?

I made love to mine last night.

Just FYI, the phone vibrates when faking an orgasm.
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