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Old 10-15-2009, 10:17 AM
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Choose WVGA (I already tested it, and it works. Just install the cab, reset your phone, and watch )

BTW...This will replace the ugly green WM 6.1 screen

If you use the Black one (I did cause my SPB shell is black), it DOES have sound built into it. I tried it, didn't like the little kiddy .wav file it came with, so I tried messing around with it, and here is what I got. I finally ended up deleting the StartUp.WP.wav file. Anyway, it was 1.1MB, and I just pretty much left the PhoneOn.wav.

Ok..... Tried to mess around with it, and it looks like there is no way of disabling the PhoneOn.wav. I was going to try and delete it (after making a copy) but it is in ROM. I wasn't fond of the StartUpWP.wav, so I deleted it, and just used the Phone On wav file.

What I was trying to achieve, which I did, was the phone on sound right at the beginning when the screen showed up. It did, by me changing the PhoneOn.wav to StartUpWP (again after making a backup copy) and replaced that sound with this one. However, when it turned on, the Startup went, and then the same sound for the phone on went. If there was a way to disable the PhoneON.wav, you could just have that tone as your start-up tone instead.

To simplify it, reset your phone, BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS and listen to the tone. I was trying to get THAT tone along with the new Splash screen right at the beginning. Or just use Resco file explorer and search for PhoneOn.wav and play it.

If you like the StartUp tone, by all means leave it. It is however over 1MB for that .wav file. I deleted it, and went without it

Last edited by quickstang; 10-15-2009 at 10:21 AM.
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