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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2009, 10:09 PM
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SMS vibration driving me crazy

I dont know if I am the only one or not, but the 3.5 second SMS vibration is driving me I was getting a handful of texts, and the long vibration got on my nerves, so I set it to silent.

I hope someone is working on a fix for this to where we can change it. I used to have a quick 2 vibration alert set on my Treo from Butler.

I dont understand if this is just a TP2 deal or many other devices that are WM. You'd think someone would have made something by now as annoying as it is. I think a program for long or short vibration, and then a drop down for 1 vibration, 2, 3, or however many you want.

But if anyone comes across a program, let me know. Many have asked earthjumper on xda to create a program for SMS and e-mail cause he created one for the phone. So if that is done, I dont see why a few tweaks cant change the program to SMS or e-mail.

I thought about looking for a registry tweak, but if that was an option, i'm sure it would have been posted.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2009, 11:58 PM
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how do I get the ringtone to come through my headset?

I know I could do it with my original tp. but i cant get it to work withthe tp2

i have a moto h700.

is it the bluetooth chipset of the tp2? i would have thought technology went forward not backwards.

anyone get the ringtones to work on their bluetooth? reg hacks?
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