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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 10:01 AM
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New owner questions

OK, I've been through the various sticky threads, and I've added numerous tweaks and useful apps to my new phone. But there are a couple of things I need that I haven't figured out yet.

1) There are a few things that I'd like to be able to do quickly and easily, without a bunch of extra menus: a) Locking the TP2 and blanking the screen, b) turning bluetooth on/off, c) turning wifi on/off, d) switching between ring/vibrate. I know that I can set up the end key so that I can press and hold it to get either A or D (at the moment, I have it set for Lock), but that leaves the other three unaddressed.

I also know that there is an app that will let me remap a lot of the stuff on the TP2, and that may well turn out to be the best solution. But I'm going for something simple here if possible. If there's a simple way to solve these, I'd prefer that.

2) On related note, under All Settings then under the "Buttons" setting. It lists six buttons, the first of which is "Send Key/hold". That is set to Voice Command, which seems reasonable. But the other five buttons are just listed as "button". I have no idea what they do. Is there a way to make them map to actual or virtual buttons on the device?

3) There is a tweak that lets you record calls. The record option shows up on the call menu. But where do you go to play back the resulting recordings?

4) Where is the battery gauge? I can see the battery state on the Battery settings screen, but isn't there a way to easily see it from the Home screen?

5) Can I change the soft keys ("Camera" and "All Contacts") on the home screen?

6) Is there any way to add new tabs to the UI? For example, could I add an RSS page next to my Weather page?

I'm sure I'll have other questions over time, but those are a few that I haven't yet found answers for. Thanks for any help!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 04:08 PM
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Re: New owner questions

Answered what I could below...

Originally Posted by Gilliland View Post
OK, I've been through the various sticky threads, and I've added numerous tweaks and useful apps to my new phone. But there are a couple of things I need that I haven't figured out yet.

1) There are a few things that I'd like to be able to do quickly and easily, without a bunch of extra menus: a) Locking the TP2 and blanking the screen, b) turning bluetooth on/off, c) turning wifi on/off, d) switching between ring/vibrate. I know that I can set up the end key so that I can press and hold it to get either A or D (at the moment, I have it set for Lock), but that leaves the other three unaddressed.

I also know that there is an app that will let me remap a lot of the stuff on the TP2, and that may well turn out to be the best solution. But I'm going for something simple here if possible. If there's a simple way to solve these, I'd prefer that.

Go with the Rhodium Keyboard Controller. It will do a lot of what you're asking, and stuff you haven't I don't think you'll be disappointed.

2) On related note, under All Settings then under the "Buttons" setting. It lists six buttons, the first of which is "Send Key/hold". That is set to Voice Command, which seems reasonable. But the other five buttons are just listed as "button". I have no idea what they do. Is there a way to make them map to actual or virtual buttons on the device?

Hmmm, I only see the one button for VoiceCommand. Yours must be carrier specific and I'm thinking those buttons are still there from a previous device that had a lot more hard buttons...like the Mogul.

3) There is a tweak that lets you record calls. The record option shows up on the call menu. But where do you go to play back the resulting recordings?

It actually records a voice note, so launch the Notes app, or look under My Documents\Notes for the .wav file(s).

4) Where is the battery gauge? I can see the battery state on the Battery settings screen, but isn't there a way to easily see it from the Home screen?

I don't have a stock taskbar anymore, but isn't there a gauge next to the HTC Task Manager on the right? Failing that, checkout some of the taskbars in the Touch Pro 2 Tweaks, Hacks, Tips & Modifications thread. I use the one from the very first post by Mighty and it works really well...

5) Can I change the soft keys ("Camera" and "All Contacts") on the home screen?

I haven't read it, but hopefully this thread might have an answer for you.

6) Is there any way to add new tabs to the UI? For example, could I add an RSS page next to my Weather page?

Can't answer that one sorry, I don't use TF3D.

I'm sure I'll have other questions over time, but those are a few that I haven't yet found answers for. Thanks for any help!
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Last edited by CovKid66; 10-11-2009 at 04:32 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: New owner questions

I also use and recommend the Rhodium keyboard controller and Spike's 6.1 Taskbar Edited By Mighty Mike For CDMA Devices. You will need a battery driver to get the taskbar to show 1% increments and a signal strength driver to get the 7 bars instead of 5. I can't provide those since I am Verizon and mine are different.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: New owner questions

FYI, you may want to update your profile...still shows you as using a Mogul.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 04:36 PM
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Re: New owner questions

By far the easiest way to see battery status everywhere is VistaHide Battery Gauge.

I'm not sure it shows well on this screenshot, but it's a fine line along the top of the screen, in any orientation, that shows the level. Try it, you'll like it.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg ScreenShot15.jpg (10.2 KB, 135 views) Click for barcode!
Attached Files
File Type: zip VistaHide Battery Gauge 1.1.1 WM5 Pocket PC.zip (5.2 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 04:39 PM
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Re: New owner questions

Okay, I was bored so I checked the Sprint site...if you are with Sprint, and I definitely see a battery gauge on the main taskbar...according to their pictures in the gallery. Can you post a picture of yours? Use something like Spb Screenshot if you don't have a screen capture tool.

Last edited by CovKid66; 10-11-2009 at 04:48 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 04:43 PM
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Re: New owner questions

In answer to the softkeys question, do an advanced search in the TP2 forum for the keyword "softkey". I've got my Camera softkey remapped to SecondToday using Advanced Config. There is a trick to getting it working right.....

Here, I looked it up for you

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 07:28 PM
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Re: New owner questions

Originally Posted by CovKid66 View Post
Okay, I was bored so I checked the Sprint site...if you are with Sprint, and I definitely see a battery gauge on the main taskbar...according to their pictures in the gallery. Can you post a picture of yours? Use something like Spb Screenshot if you don't have a screen capture tool.
Yes, there is a battery indicator on the top line of the phone, but it's pretty crude. I expected that if I tapped it, I'd be taken to a more comprehensive battery status display, but that's not the case. But you're right, it is there, and it does give some indication of battery status. Maybe that will be good enough for now.

Also, let me quickly say thanks to ALL for the assistance. I'll explore the several options that have been recommended.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 09:12 PM
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Re: New owner questions

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
In answer to the softkeys question, do an advanced search in the TP2 forum for the keyword "softkey". I've got my Camera softkey remapped to SecondToday using Advanced Config. There is a trick to getting it working right.....

Here, I looked it up for you

OK, it took me a few tries to get it right, but I've now got the left softkey so that it brings up the Comm Mgr. That lets me turn bluetooth and wifi on and off (among other things). Very helpful, thank you!

Furthermore, I discovered something on my own. In the registry under HKLM/Software/HTC/CommManager, there are a series of entries numbered 0 through 7. Apparently Comm Manager honors only the first six of them, because numbers 0-5 map to the functions listed on the Comm Manager screen.

Interestingly, though, the #6 entry was "Vibrate". Since I don't really plan to use the "Push Mail" feature of the phone, I moved "Vibrate" down into the "visible" part of the list.

It worked. I can now switch from Ring to Vibrate mode using the Comm Mgr. So that takes care of all of the basic needs that I listed this morning. "Lock" is assigned to the End Key, the other three are displayed in the Comm Manager, which is assigned to my left soft key. Not bad!

The only problem is that the UI for the Ring/Vibrate function is a little funky. It doesn't turn the rightmost icon on/off like the other Comm Mgr functions. But it does work properly on the phone, which is the important part.

Incidentally, there is yet another "off screen" entry in the Comm Mgr registry. # 7 is set to "InternetSharing". So it should be possible to turn that on and off with Comm Mgr as well. I haven't tried it.

OK, another discovery. In that same section of the registry, on the main CommManager entry, there is a key called "SupportedFunctions". By default, it was set to 6. I changed it to 8, and now all eight of the listed functions show up on the screen.

Pretty cool stuff! I guess I should go add these discoveries to the tweaks thread.

BTW, you have to reset the device to allow any of these changes to take effect.
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