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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2009, 09:39 PM
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Question Random questions/help needed

Hey guys,

Have had my TP2 since it came out from telesales and have not had time to customize it at all. If someone could give me a hand I would appriecate it.

A: I need to add a custom city to the weather dealy, I did this on my TP and I tried a program but it did not seem to work, just made TF3D crash. Changed it back to default (I think!) and now whenever I try to select a state or country (other than USA) the list crashes and I can't even select default cities now! So can somone give me an original database and tell me where it needs to go on the device? (I can't remember anymore!)

B: Opera, I noticed this on all versions but the requirement/desire for this 'feature' to be removed just came up. Can I make it so I DO NOT need to zoom in to click on things? I have a WebApp that I made designed for the size of the screen, but I still need to zoom in (even if it is just a little bit) so it will actually let me click the buttons.

Help appreciated guys!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: Random questions/help needed

Originally Posted by Bad HAL 9000 View Post
Hey guys,

Have had my TP2 since it came out from telesales and have not had time to customize it at all. If someone could give me a hand I would appriecate it.

A: I need to add a custom city to the weather dealy, I did this on my TP and I tried a program but it did not seem to work, just made TF3D crash. Changed it back to default (I think!) and now whenever I try to select a state or country (other than USA) the list crashes and I can't even select default cities now! So can somone give me an original database and tell me where it needs to go on the device? (I can't remember anymore!)

B: Opera, I noticed this on all versions but the requirement/desire for this 'feature' to be removed just came up. Can I make it so I DO NOT need to zoom in to click on things? I have a WebApp that I made designed for the size of the screen, but I still need to zoom in (even if it is just a little bit) so it will actually let me click the buttons.

Help appreciated guys!
to get the custom cities, I went to conflipper's website and grabbed the weather cities cab... its a little slow at first, and seems like it locks up. have patience and it will work eventually. it has just about all of the cities on the continental USA and Canada. http://conflipper.com/random.html

as for part B... I have no idea, lol.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: Random questions/help needed

Thanks! That fixed my weather issue perfectly.

Anyone got any idea about the opera browsing thing?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: Random questions/help needed

As far as I've seen the zoomed out Opera works exactly the same but if the button/link you're trying to click is only 4x10 pixels when zoomed out it's that much more accurate you have to be....

What has worked for me without having to try and zoom in is just use the arrow keys to move down, right, etc. Opera handles this pretty well so if I click down it starts from the top down and visa versa. Sometimes I'll just scroll down a bit so the link I'm going for it towards the top, just click down arrow once and the enter key....

Hope this helps you out?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 09:21 PM
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Re: Random questions/help needed

Originally Posted by IGGUS View Post
As far as I've seen the zoomed out Opera works exactly the same but if the button/link you're trying to click is only 4x10 pixels when zoomed out it's that much more accurate you have to be....

What has worked for me without having to try and zoom in is just use the arrow keys to move down, right, etc. Opera handles this pretty well so if I click down it starts from the top down and visa versa. Sometimes I'll just scroll down a bit so the link I'm going for it towards the top, just click down arrow once and the enter key....

Hope this helps you out?
I find that works out well. however I don't mind double tapping the area. i find its better than using the zoom bar. it just gets in the way.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 10:42 PM
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Re: Random questions/help needed

Originally Posted by Bad HAL 9000 View Post
Hey guys,

Have had my TP2 since it came out from telesales and have not had time to customize it at all. If someone could give me a hand I would appriecate it.

A: I need to add a custom city to the weather dealy, I did this on my TP and I tried a program but it did not seem to work, just made TF3D crash. Changed it back to default (I think!) and now whenever I try to select a state or country (other than USA) the list crashes and I can't even select default cities now! So can somone give me an original database and tell me where it needs to go on the device? (I can't remember anymore!)

B: Opera, I noticed this on all versions but the requirement/desire for this 'feature' to be removed just came up. Can I make it so I DO NOT need to zoom in to click on things? I have a WebApp that I made designed for the size of the screen, but I still need to zoom in (even if it is just a little bit) so it will actually let me click the buttons.

Help appreciated guys!
Install 9.7 beta, it allows link clicking without zooming. Still doesn't work great but it does work.
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