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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 07:55 AM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I am a very heave y user and i can honestly say the touch pro2 is a big improvement. no heat issues but once, but i was playing doom or trying to, sending at least like 10 emails to a friend all like 5mb, using wifi sharing and constantly receiving calls and text and it did start to get a lil hot...oh and i had put it on the charger

but also...battery is much improved over the touch pro.

on a work day i take my phone off the charger at about 7:30am. I use my phone for talking, email, text and music

talk times are about 1.5 to 2hrs

i have three push emails accounts, one active sync, gmail using the sprint push email program and the other is using windows live push email all set to always on. one yahoo account set to check every 1hr

i listen to music to and work for an hr

I text and email a lot, i mean a lot

do a lil web browsing and stream a lil music about 15 to 30min

now my touch pro i had three batteries and the 3rd one would be dead by 4:50.
now on my touch pro2 i also have three batteries and i put my second one in at sometimes as early as 3pm on a really heavy days use and 5 or 6pm, i and to be honest if i let it that second battery would last all the way till the next day because after i get home i don't really use my phone that much, today i am going to watch it closely and give feedback but I never get to use my 3rd battery.

on the weekends where i turn all the push emails off, but i do still talk my ass off on the phone even more on the weekend, i am talking like 3hr phone calls but anyway the phone last forever when everything is off, i wake up Saturday start my day at 10 and my 1st battery dies at maybe 10pm or sometimes if its a really lite day i can go all the way to Sunday, my touch pro never lasted that long even on light use
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 08:00 AM
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Re: Solid numbers

Originally Posted by azl View Post
I have a TP2 on Sprint and my battery life is poor. I have had it for about 3 weeks now and have trouble lasting a full day (8AM - 10PM). My Mogul would easily go 36 -- sometimes 48 -- hours before going into the red (red, not dead). If I forget to plug the TP2 in at night, I wake up to a brick.

I RARELY use my phone. Literally 30 minutes of talk per month. Most of my use is in SMS and web browsing, which is still less than 60 minutes per day. I live in Silicon Valley and always have a perfect signal (even in my office).

I had push email enabled for awhile, but even disabled I don't see more than a day.

I would like to see hard numbers from other TP2 owners. Fortunately, there is a tab in the power settings that gives us all the hard numbers we need. I'll start with mine and encourage everyone to share theirs!

Settings > Power > Information tab:
Standby time: 7 hours, 7 minutes
Talk time: 0 hours, 0 minutes
Device usage: 0 hours, 28 minutes

Power remaining (from Battery tab): 5 bars
nuePower CPL readings:
Power remaining: 42%
Voltage: 3.722 V
Discharge: 307 mA
Charge: 0 mA
Temp: 28 °C
Something my be wrong with your device or battery
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2010, 11:43 AM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Originally Posted by jathomas0910 View Post
I am a very heave y user and i can honestly say the touch pro2 is a big improvement. no heat issues but once, but i was playing doom or trying to, sending at least like 10 emails to a friend all like 5mb, using wifi sharing and constantly receiving calls and text and it did start to get a lil hot...oh and i had put it on the charger

but also...battery is much improved over the touch pro.

on a work day i take my phone off the charger at about 7:30am. I use my phone for talking, email, text and music

talk times are about 1.5 to 2hrs

i have three push emails accounts, one active sync, gmail using the sprint push email program and the other is using windows live push email all set to always on. one yahoo account set to check every 1hr

i listen to music to and work for an hr

I text and email a lot, i mean a lot

do a lil web browsing and stream a lil music about 15 to 30min

now my touch pro i had three batteries and the 3rd one would be dead by 4:50.
now on my touch pro2 i also have three batteries and i put my second one in at sometimes as early as 3pm on a really heavy days use and 5 or 6pm, i and to be honest if i let it that second battery would last all the way till the next day because after i get home i don't really use my phone that much, today i am going to watch it closely and give feedback but I never get to use my 3rd battery.

on the weekends where i turn all the push emails off, but i do still talk my ass off on the phone even more on the weekend, i am talking like 3hr phone calls but anyway the phone last forever when everything is off, i wake up Saturday start my day at 10 and my 1st battery dies at maybe 10pm or sometimes if its a really lite day i can go all the way to Sunday, my touch pro never lasted that long even on light use
I have this same problem. Went to bed last night w/70-80% batt life, running around 50-60% memory, woke up this morning... dead. called verizon - they're suggesting to go into a verizon store to see if they can swap out the battery.
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