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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 03:53 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Originally Posted by Gulanowski View Post
Are you nuts!! What can explain the drastic difference between your TP2's battery life and mine (a few posts up)? Is there some special charging technique I was supposed to do the first time I charged it?

I'm really disappointed with this battery while everyone else seems so pleased
id go try and exchange the battery or get it looked at, if it aint that and ya havent installed much, id try and get a replacement phone, the battery on the tp2 is very very good, in my opinion 50 to 60% better than the tp1...
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 04:31 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

does the tp2 overheat.
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 05:16 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Originally Posted by Gulanowski View Post
Are you nuts!! What can explain the drastic difference between your TP2's battery life and mine (a few posts up)? Is there some special charging technique I was supposed to do the first time I charged it?

I'm really disappointed with this battery while everyone else seems so pleased
LOL... oh, it's very possible that I'm nuts! But I don't think so on this. Battery life is just one of those things that you can't really gauge generally... it's always specific to what you're doing with a device. How you use yours could be totally different than how I use mine. I can tell you how I use mine and it might influence you to make certain concessions, but at the end of the day, your use may demand an extended battery.

First, start by accepting this fact... it's 4-5 hours of continuous talk time as the advertised life. Unfortunately, that's not helpful, because nobody continuously talks that long on a regular basis. So you have to accept that it's really 4-5 hours of continuous talk not in addition to other functionality. What do I mean?

If you text every 3 minutes for an hour while surfing web sites and then watch 30 minutes of YouTube videos before making an hour long phone call, that'll probably do it for your battery, because all of those things consume battery life via radio, and the fact you had your screen on the whole time does the rest. Keep in mind, you probably had email accounts syncing during that time too.

The nice thing about the TP2 is how much smarter it can be about power management. In addition to the usual battery tweaks, and shutting off the wifi and bluetooth radios when not in use, the phone will shut off the display on its own now when it's pressed against your ear or sitting face down for speakerphone.

I set my email accounts to sync every 60 minutes rather than using push or more frequent times. Why? Because it takes 1 second to sync manually if I want to check right now, and even as a system admin for a hospital, nothing is so important that they're going to email me before calling me. If it's urgent, trust me, they'll call. So let go of any immediate email needs you may have. I'm also at a computer 15 hours a day, so that helps.

I set the weather and the stocks sync I set to manual. I can push the Update Now button and wait a half second or just walk to a window.

I don't surf the web from my phone except when I'm sitting/standing around somewhere waiting on something, but it's always briefly. I don't watch videos or listen to music on my phone... that's what my Zune and TV/DVD is for.

My phone is a phone first, and a PDA second so that I can stay connected when needed... not just because I can't disconnect. That's a solution that may or may not work for everyone, I realize. I'm not preaching to anyone about how they should use their phone... just saying what works for me, and maybe others might say the same.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Originally Posted by ricchini2007 View Post
does the tp2 overheat.
Not that I've heard or experienced... certainly not the way the TP1 did!

I had it on a conference call for an hour earlier and once last week without any issues.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 05:34 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
id go try and exchange the battery or get it looked at, if it aint that and ya havent installed much, id try and get a replacement phone, the battery on the tp2 is very very good, in my opinion 50 to 60% better than the tp1...
I agree totally! For what its worth, S2u2 drastically killed my battery life for some reason and had to get rid of it.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Oh, I'm aware of what influences how long a battery lasts. I really didn't even use it that much and I'm down to 36% now. On my today screen i've got CNN rss feeds, pocketsports center, weatherpanel and a few other things that don't connect to update unlike the first three i just listed. No email autoupdate either.

The battery seems to do alright when it's in standby, it's not down much from when I started class at 2:30.

I just don't get it. I haven't had a phone with decent battery life since my Nokia 3360 and that was almost 6 years ago. Maybe I've just got bad luck, but my T730 sucked, E815 was bad enough that I got an extended battery for that too, Titan would get a day or two with the 3600mah extended battery, and now this. Ugh, it's just frustrating.

I'm wondering if I should contact Verizon or HTC about the battery? Verizon'll probably want to send me a whole new phone, do they do just batteries?

Last edited by Gulanowski; 09-14-2009 at 05:46 PM.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I am doing a review of the Touch Pro2 and my review model (same as retail) froze the second I received it lol.

To be fair, it may have been partly my fault.. I had it in the package and it was turned off and plugged into my computer charging. I felt the thing and it wasn't that hot, just warm, but it wouldn't turn on and the charge light was stuck on, even when I unplugged the phone. I had to remove the battery to get it to turn back on. After charging for 3 hours, the battery was dead. I am thinking it was a fluke, but I think it is still possible for these beasts to freeze while charging.

I've had it charging since (but it's on) and no problems.

Last edited by bullet2300; 09-14-2009 at 05:54 PM.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 05:55 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

My VZW TP2 battery life is amazing compared to my VZW TP. I can go a full day now instead of half a day. That is plenty for me as my wall charger stays by my bed

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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 06:09 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Having a few more days with the TP2 now, and comparing to the TP1 and Diamond, my observation is that TP2's "in use" drain is much lower than TP1 and Diamond. At the same time, for me, TP1 and Diamond's idle drain is lower when compared to the TP2.

If I don't use the TP1 much--a few SMS, a few short calls, check time, sporadic IMAP email--the phone will last 2 days on a single charge. If I use is heavily, the phone barely lasts a day.

With the TP2, with heavy use, the battery does not drain down nearly as fast. But, with little use, the idle drain will kill the battery in 24 hours or so anyway.
I see people posting their connection speed--but why? It's one thing to show EVDO/HSDPA speeds, but I see people posting wired connections and I am puzzled (especially when the speed is not all that impressive). So, in that spirit, I will post mine:

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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 06:14 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Called Verizon and spoke with a helpful lady. They offered to send me a whole new phone which I opted out of being I need to focus on my college classes and not the phone (which is what this past weekend was for). So I should have a new battery this thursday, which leads me to my next question which always seems to generate various answers...

Is there any special technique/method I should follow when charging the phone for the first time?
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