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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

Originally Posted by efunk33 View Post
Any word on that fix for the landscape S2U2, LilRico?

Thanks for all your efforts.
I took some pics with the camera on the phone itself in landscape, and it seems to be working just fine.

Have all the tests you guys have been doing been using the sample pics that are on the camera when you first get it?

EDIT: It lasted longer with the new pics than it normally did it seemed like, but it has now gone bad as well.

Last edited by efunk33; 09-20-2009 at 04:20 PM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

does anyone have a good cab so I don't have to look for it?


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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

hopefully the landscape is fixed so my .gif works properly. still a great program! someone keep us informed when the new S2U2 comes out
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 08:35 PM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

Some things you guys need to know...

Yes running S2U2 in RawBuffer mode "fixes" the garbled graphics of the lock screen in landscape mode. It also totall F's up the TP2's rendering performance in landscape overall. Dont believe me? Load up any benchmark test that can test graphics peformance in portrait and landscape and see how horrible it renders in landscape. Or load up a program with nice graphics and animations (the new Resco Photo Viewer beta is a very good demonstration).

This is NOT S2U2's fault though. If you launch Coreplayer it causes the same problem.

The reason some of you see the graphics go back to being messed up in S2U2 even after you switch it to raw buffer is because certain other apps (so far I know the Camera app for sure), "fix" the TP2 overall landscape performance while forcing S2U2 back into DirectDraw mode (though in settings it will still say RawBuffer). Do this, switch S2U2 to RawBuffer and test it in landscape. It should look fine. Then open and close back out of Camera and test S2U2 again, it should be back to being f'd up.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 01:27 AM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

A_C is still examining the logs I sent him along with the registry settings I have. This should all be fixed for 2.05.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 02:53 AM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

Hmmm I am still concerned about the overall issue... something strange is going on with the TP2 display drivers. Nothing horrible or deal breaking, but still something that is worth investigating IMO. It's not just S2U2........
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 06:35 AM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
Hmmm I am still concerned about the overall issue... something strange is going on with the TP2 display drivers. Nothing horrible or deal breaking, but still something that is worth investigating IMO. It's not just S2U2........
I keep seeing you and some others say so, but I've yet to see any issues aside from specific app compatibility issues, and this is true whether you're using the stock driver (htc_d3dm.dll) or the enhanced driver (ati_d3dm.dll).

For example, I was having issues (terrible Landscape lag) with performance when I was using the "battery indicator" gauge (the one that puts the red-to-green bar across the very top of the screen). As soon as I disabled that, the issues immediately went away.

Bottom line, it's the same thing true as on the desktop. Not every app can be 100% compatible with every device and every situation possible. So, check your programs one at a time, and the ones that cause issues, replace them with either new versions or new programs.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 07:45 AM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

i am having same problem with my verizon tp2.....waiting patiently on a fix....
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 04:14 PM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
I keep seeing you and some others say so, but I've yet to see any issues aside from specific app compatibility issues, and this is true whether you're using the stock driver (htc_d3dm.dll) or the enhanced driver (ati_d3dm.dll).

For example, I was having issues (terrible Landscape lag) with performance when I was using the "battery indicator" gauge (the one that puts the red-to-green bar across the very top of the screen). As soon as I disabled that, the issues immediately went away.

Bottom line, it's the same thing true as on the desktop. Not every app can be 100% compatible with every device and every situation possible. So, check your programs one at a time, and the ones that cause issues, replace them with either new versions or new programs.
I totally understand that, but this is happening to all 3 TP's I have access to. T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprints. All on a stock ROM with nothing loaded. When I mean nothing, I mean, not even contacts or any kind of sync. I also tried the enhanced drivers, but that still doesn't get rid of the problem and this is an issue that's been going on for quite some time. A_C is looking at the logs and is doing his best to determine what exactly is going on... Though its taking him some time to figure it out, I'm sure he will.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 05:50 PM
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Re: S2U2 Landscape

While it is true that only certain apps are causing the issue, I dont think you understand fully exactly how the problem is affecting system performance.

This isnt just S2U2 not displaying correctly. Putting S2U2 in Raw Buffer mode, or opening Coreplayer, will have an immediate impact on overall rendering performance in landscape, EVEN AFTER YOU COMPLETELY CLOSE OUT OF S2U2 OR COREPLAYER.

Do this... Completely disable S2U2/iLock. Then start your camera (this "resets" the driver for some reason). Immediately close the camera. Slide the keyboard out to force landscape, and then load Opera and go to whatever webpage. Do a lot of scrolling around and note how smooth it is. Then close it and switch back to portrait.

Now start iLock, and if you dont have it this way already, switch it to run in rawbuffer mode. Then STOP THE RUNNING ILOCK AGAIN (note, if iit was already in rawbuffer, you merely need to launch ilock and then immediately stop it). Now open Opera again in landscape view. Scroll around a large page and tell me you dont notice a distinct drop in smoothness of the animation, and you should now notice screen tearing that was not there before.

Other apps show this even worse... The Resco photo viewer beta is one of them. The free SK Tools Lite application has a "Draw Bitmaps" benchmark test that VERY clearly shows this... run it in landscape after opening and closing the camera... you'll get a score of about 200 and it will be smooth. Run it after opening and closing ilock (set to rawbuffer mode) or Coreplayer, and you'll get a score of about 130, and it will look choppy as hell. Just like it ALWAYS did on the TP1 in landscape.

The reason I keep saying it is a driver issue is because the effects persist even when the apps that cause it are disabled. And really, whatever it is, it is very minor. Still.. I hope this is something fixable once we start getting custom ROMs...
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