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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 06:59 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Not that I know of or have heard.
Don't Forget to say "Thanks"

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 07:44 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Sprint should have 10 different battery covers and charge 5$-10$ a cover >.>..I smell raw profit
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 08:08 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Dude come on, we all know the reason why the cdma versions wont have the front facing camera. I thought I mentioned telus and vzw which are both cdma versions. I am not making comparisons between gsm and cdma and so what if the verizon tp1 had half the ram thats not what I am talking about, I am talking about the tp2 so please don't call me names. Oh and the correct spelling is NAIVE.
im gonna stand by my statement... we've all seen it... just because one carrier has something on there device, doesnt mean the next or all carriers wil be identical...

now had u made the argument that HTC has gone a record to saying they were going to standardize their handsets to have a 3.5mm jack(noone really thought itd be this soon though) then i wouldnt of said anything.. your argument was not valid in saying "well other carriers have it, why not this or that one"...

and thanks for the spelling lesson Teach... what is they say, " Those who cant, Teach" lol
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 08:35 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
im gonna stand by my statement... we've all seen it... just because one carrier has something on there device, doesnt mean the next or all carriers wil be identical...

now had u made the argument that HTC has gone a record to saying they were going to standardize their handsets to have a 3.5mm jack(noone really thought itd be this soon though) then i wouldnt of said anything.. your argument was not valid in saying "well other carriers have it, why not this or that one"...

and thanks for the spelling lesson Teach... what is they say, " Those who cant, Teach" lol
First of all I don't think I was arguing with anyone at all, I was just saying that more than likely, in this case, if the telus and the vzw version had it then the sprint version would too. With the tp1 every cdma version had the exact same hardware specs except for the vzw one. Also at the end of the same post I stated that the official sprint specs for the tp2 has been leaked already confirming that it will have the 3.5mm jack.

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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 08:55 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
First of all I don't think I was arguing with anyone at all, I was just saying that more than likely, in this case, if the telus and the vzw version had it then the sprint version would too. With the tp1 every cdma version had the exact same hardware specs except for the vzw one. Also at the end of the same post I stated that the official sprint specs for the tp2 has been leaked already confirming that it will have the 3.5mm jack.
by argument i mean statement... nor was i tryin to fight, i just didnt agree and as u clearly said every TP was the same EXCEPT one carriers, no reason why that couldnt of applied here with the 3.5 jack... you just had all second hand info or personal opinion: "also someone posted" (wheres the link? afterall the question on the table is about the 3.5 jack,post it for us to see for ourselves) and " its more than likely"

you couldve literally answered the question with the link, and solved all question about it... so i pointed out your statment didnt hold water.. you apparently didnt like that, so u decided to try to simplify with me like im some idiot around here or something.. especially with your grammitical correction skills..

so yeah, it is what it is, im far from mad thats for sure and hope you wouldnt be either...

so yeah, back covers... we love em.. we hate em.. even if its not like that to be vented, that means on the underside of the cover there has to be something orange, maybe even some kind of 2nd plate... maybe this,whatever is giving the color, can be removed or dyed
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
by argument i mean statement... nor was i tryin to fight, i just didnt agree and as u clearly said every TP was the same EXCEPT one carriers, no reason why that couldnt of applied here with the 3.5 jack... you just had all second hand info or personal opinion: "also someone posted" (wheres the link? afterall the question on the table is about the 3.5 jack,post it for us to see for ourselves) and " its more than likely"

you couldve literally answered the question with the link, and solved all question about it... so i pointed out your statment didnt hold water.. you apparently didnt like that, so u decided to try to simplify with me like im some idiot around here or something.. especially with your grammitical correction skills..

so yeah, it is what it is, im far from mad thats for sure and hope you wouldnt be either...

so yeah, back covers... we love em.. we hate em.. even if its not like that to be vented, that means on the underside of the cover there has to be something orange, maybe even some kind of 2nd plate... maybe this,whatever is giving the color, can be removed or dyed
Me saying the telus and the verizon version has the 3.5mm jack isn't second hand info, that is a fact, there are pics every where to prove that. When I made my initial statement in the first place I was saying that if two major carriers has already been confirmed to have it then the probability of sprint having it as well is pretty good. The first half of my post was just an assumption based on other known facts but the last sentence was a fact and yeah I didn't provide a link but you can research that yourself. Oh and I am not mad at all

Edit: I searched for the link that showed the sprint official specs and of course I can't find it, but in any case its comming with it for sure.

Last edited by themuffinman; 08-08-2009 at 09:36 PM.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 09:50 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

well heres the link about the 3.5mm jack becoming the standard.. http://www.engadget.com/2009/07/10/h...t-majority-of/ this would of ended things right there lol but as youll see, thats why i said noone thought it'd be so soon..

and u didnt look to hard man LOL heres the specs, which say nothing about a 3.5mm jack... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=78104
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

ah, fireworks!
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 09:58 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Originally Posted by mr.8820 View Post
ah, fireworks!
LOL, your always good for a quick jab and a poke huh.. your alright in my book man.. LOL
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 09:58 PM
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Re: Back of Sprint touch pro 2 is the ugliest of them all.

Keep it clean gentlemen
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