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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2012, 05:21 AM
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[Q] Relock TP2 & Activation w/Sprint

I'm looking to resell this phone since I've already moved on (sad to say) but want to put it back into stock so that whomever buys it from me won't have to worry about relocking, reflashing, and whatnot.

Question is: I've already re-flashed it to a stock Sprint rom but do I need to relock the hard-spl in order for someone to activate it with Sprint? Or can someone still activate it with Sprint without hassle while it's still spl-unlocked with olinex?

Would love to hear from someone who's gone through this, thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2012, 09:32 AM
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Re: [Q] Relock TP2 & Activation w/Sprint

Hey Justlok. I would just leave it with the locker installed as this adds value to the device. When you advertise it, you can mention that the device can be customized with many Rom's readily available. The new owner will have no trouble activating.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2012, 11:55 PM
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Re: [Q] Relock TP2 & Activation w/Sprint

Yea I agree with @Tinkerbell they don't usually check to see if it's been unlocked or not.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2012, 11:08 AM
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Re: [Q] Relock TP2 & Activation w/Sprint

Only if you are returning the phone to the provider for service should you relock and flash the stock ROM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

olinex, relock hardspl, tp2 unlocked

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