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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 08:40 PM
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Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

My sliding keyboard stopped working today. Called assurion and learned I have the $50 deductible policy. That was good news. But they only offered me some the samsung omnia 2, continuum and then something called the samsung reality. All looked like the kind of phones I would buy for my 7 year old. After some intense discussion and being escalated to advanced CS (whatever that is) I was offered a Droid 2. At least that is a world phone. Can anyone advise me on what you would do? I asked about Droid 3 and Stratosphere but no go on those. Any other thoughts on how to handle this? TIA
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 08:52 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

dude go for it . I wish they would have given me such a deal but all assurion gave me was unfunctioning TP2's as my replacement .
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 09:12 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Serious? They told me no more TP2. Ya think the D2G is a good option? I am reading that batt life sticks. I have had the 2100maH batt for my TP2 for about a month and am spoiled by week-long no charging... that will be painful to go back to like 1400 Mah. Anyone want to buy mt batt or other TP2 accessories? Sorry to see it all go. Love my TP2 but stopped at VZW store and they confirmed hardware issues...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 09:16 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Originally Posted by rbyham View Post
Serious? They told me no more TP2. Ya think the D2G is a good option? I am reading that batt life sticks. I have had the 2100maH batt for my TP2 for about a month and am spoiled by week-long no charging... that will be painful to go back to like 1400 Mah. Anyone want to buy mt batt or other TP2 accessories? Sorry to see it all go. Love my TP2 but stopped at VZW store and they confirmed hardware issues...
ha i feel like taking one giantic humungous shit on ASSurion for the hell they put me through -.- D2G sounds good to me if thats what they are offering . Its an improvement Spec wise from the TP2 . I would seriously do it . And i have to charge once onvernight with my 1500maH battery for my TP2 . Plus since ASSurion gave me like 5 TP2s in a row i now have 5 extra batteries back covers and Styli
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 09:45 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Originally Posted by rbyham View Post
Serious? They told me no more TP2. Ya think the D2G is a good option? I am reading that batt life sticks. I have had the 2100maH batt for my TP2 for about a month and am spoiled by week-long no charging... that will be painful to go back to like 1400 Mah. Anyone want to buy mt batt or other TP2 accessories? Sorry to see it all go. Love my TP2 but stopped at VZW store and they confirmed hardware issues...
where did u get 2100maH??
fleabay?? can u point me to seller/auction??

Thanx a lot
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Well as far as assuran is concerned, what is the retail value of the TP2? They have to give you an equivalent in terms of value.

Also as far as Droid 2, there were actually a Droid 2 and Droid 2 world edition...the original Droid 2 was discontinued but who knows what stock assuran has lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 10:26 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Not a bad trade off IMO. At least not if you want to jump on the Android ship. I think someone else had a thread on here about the similar thing and they got an Arrive or something like that? Maybe see what kind of WP7 phones they can offer you?

Seems like Sprint never runs out of refurbs, cause I have yet to have been offered a new phone through them. I lost count of all my TP2s I've had.

Sadly the refurbs can't clock 806mhz stable like my original one
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 10:50 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Originally Posted by matchstickredgti View Post
Not a bad trade off IMO. At least not if you want to jump on the Android ship. I think someone else had a thread on here about the similar thing and they got an Arrive or something like that? Maybe see what kind of WP7 phones they can offer you?

Seems like Sprint never runs out of refurbs, cause I have yet to have been offered a new phone through them. I lost count of all my TP2s I've had.

Sadly the refurbs can't clock 806mhz stable like my original one
@matchstickredgti I feel your pain . did your refurbished ones at least work ?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 10:57 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

For the most part, yeah, other than the overclocking like I mentioned. 692mhz is the highest I can go stable

It seems the refurbs last significantly less longer lol, like 3 to 4 months each. Most of them that I got have had the water marks tripped or the screen has the oil blotch. My 'u' button wasn't working for the longest on my latest replacement, but dropping it did wonders for that lol.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2011, 11:30 PM
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Re: Insurance Replacement - What would you do?

Originally Posted by rbyham View Post
My sliding keyboard stopped working today. Called assurion and learned I have the $50 deductible policy. That was good news. But they only offered me some the samsung omnia 2, continuum and then something called the samsung reality. All looked like the kind of phones I would buy for my 7 year old. After some intense discussion and being escalated to advanced CS (whatever that is) I was offered a Droid 2. At least that is a world phone. Can anyone advise me on what you would do? I asked about Droid 3 and Stratosphere but no go on those. Any other thoughts on how to handle this? TIA
Too bad you can't get a replacement TP2 or an HTC phone of some kind.

I think if I had those choices I might get the Omnia 2 or if you want Android go with the Droid 2.
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