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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2011, 05:39 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
You know EXACTLY what is like ...plus if she does it I don't think she can reverse it without asking a supermod/admin who just might be too lazy to reverse it.
@gTen then just a regular infraction would do then, usually mods customize their messages inside the infractions. if that was the case she could probably do a temp ban rather than permanent jaja.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2011, 08:05 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Thank you so much guys!! This place is so great!! =]=]
PPCG Development Team Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2011, 12:15 AM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

I do!!! I have 3 of them on my account still. All OC @ 768 MHz and running Sprint Lover's or Energy Roms. I have an EVO too-rooted and on Rainy Day Rom but nothing compares to my TP2's. =D>
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2011, 02:37 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

I LOVE MY TOUCH PRO 2...great phone, using sprint rom, great battery life, and never one problem...I LOVE IT.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2011, 03:07 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

On a beautiful afternoon a little more than a year ago we took my wife's pen pal from England on a ferry ride in the puget sound. As we were getting off of the ferry my wife's friend commented on how friendly everyone was... they were all waving to us as we left the ferry. I realized immediately that something was wrong... people aren't that friendly when you are getting off the ferry in Seattle. My wife's phone was hanging from it's charging cord and dragging on the ground outside of her door.

It was a Samsung A900 "Blade". I didn't realize that the alloy case could take so much abuse. The phone was all scratched and dented up, but for a month my wife used it. Then she saw a flyer from Sprint offering us free new phones. We decided to upgrade our phones. I had a Samsung SPH A920 and a PPC-6700. I thought that I would replace the A-900 and the PPC-6700 with Android phones. When we went to the Sprint store we were told that we could not get the android phones without upgrading our plan. I also learned that if we activated any smartphones after January 31 we would have to pay an additional $10 per month per phone. Our grandfathered plan had shared minutes among the three phones and unlimited internet access for each phone. With our "fair and flexible" old plan if we go over our limit we get charged $5 and 100 minutes are added; if we were to go over 300 minutes past our limit they start adding 200 minutes for each additional $5

The new plan we would have had to go to was considerably more expensive. I was told that the best phone we could get and still keep our plan was the Touch Pro 2. Unfortnately, even with a two year obligation the Touch Pro 2s were still going to be $200 a piece and the store was out of them and the employees told my wife and I that the Touch Pro 2 was a bad phone.

I felt a little discouraged, but I came back and checked with this forum and decided to get a couple of Touch Pro 2 phones through Ebay. We paid a $100 a piece for them. They both looked like new; they activated without any problems; I didn't have to renew my contract; I went ahead and retired the A900 and the A920 so that I wouldn't have to pay an extra $10 a month if I decided to reactivate the PPC-6700. I am not paying a dime more per month. We both love our Touch Pro 2s.

They have been completely trouble free. I did have the advantage of using the Windows Mobile Operating System for several years prior with the PPC-6700 so it may have been a smother transition for us than some others. I have gotten to play with some of my friends' more powerful and newer smartphones... for what we use our phones for there simply is not enough justification to pay twice as much per month for service. I have to admit that even my six year old PPC-6700 with Tinkerbell's ROM is almost enough for me.

Replacement parts are available so we may be using these Touch Pro 2s for a lot longer.
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2011, 03:35 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Originally Posted by vonnieglen View Post
I have to admit that even my six year old PPC-6700 with Tinkerbell's ROM is almost enough for me.

Replacement parts are available so we may be using these Touch Pro 2s for a lot longer.
Thank you for the report vonnieglen about your TP2's!! We are so glad to hear that you are still getting good use out of them!! Thank you for the mention as well!! As always, we love hearing that some are getting the benefits from our work!! Have a blast out there!!
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2011, 06:16 PM
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Great story vonnieglen!
Very cool!
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 11:10 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

I loved my TP2! The phone had great battery life, a great keyboard (i'm a huge texter) great speakerphone (great for those nights when you want to fall asleep with your loved one lol) and just a lot of features....I used the TP2 for over a year.....i went through 4 of them....people kept asking me why I kept going back to the ride or die phone and I told them bc of the features and ease of use. I would still be using it if it wasn't for that little screen defect. Just got tired of the digitizer going out.....but I loved it....it even gave me a chance to see what the hype was with Android. When I upgraded to the Evo I already knew what apps I wanted and knew my way around Android thanks to the TP2....this was my first dual booting phone. First phone I actually tried to "modify" bc I'm ok with stock roms and flashing roms scare me so I was happy that i could run Android from the SD card....all in all the TP2 will always hold a spot in my heart....I cant throw away my decommissioned phone....doesn't seem right so it will go back in its box and will be thrown in my closet. I can't lie the bigger screens on the newer phones are refreshing to look at but no phone can touch the keyboard of the TP2. I miss it a lot and I feel so slow now typing texts on a screen. Swype helps a little but is still slower than my keyboard......I'm done blabbing. Hated to move on but had to. RIP TP2....the first smartphone I actually loved.
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2011, 12:21 AM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Only because is the only phone that still supports my original Zero plan from Sprint.
I try the Galaxy 2.. wow.. what a speed difference and speed. We are living in hard situations so i need to save money.. I returned my gs2 but i had a nice ride.
TP2 is ONLY good because of the MODS and Chef's that are here. God bless them all. Otherwise the custom rom from sprint can go to @#$@. and my tp2 will have been a paper weight just like my tp1.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2011, 02:05 AM
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I owned the tp2 for 12hrs a few years ago. I just didnt like the phone. Once you go android theres no going back, at least for me.

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