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Old 05-02-2011, 03:15 PM
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Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

This thread is version 2 of: Dream Phone mini guide, and probably my final & best setup on the TP2.
Hard to believe we're still mod'ing the TP2!

What's new in this thread? 150 MB RAM, what I feel is the final major mod(s) I'll ever make, non Titanium/Sense/Cookie/SPB, 100% WM 6.5.x transparency (thanks to mwalt2 & links below), etc..
First, some of this is an extension of a conversation & many PM requests from a ROM forum, but didn't want to clutter that thread.... much of this was meant to continue discussion with them.

If you're a very casual user, that loves pretty backgrounds, animation, lots of clocks, 20 ways to display the same icon and different ways to add a shading or mirroring effect... then please stop reading here, don't post & just move on, this thread isn't for you. If on the other hand you've got the GPS, 4 open Opera tabs, total commander, and a couple other windows open just like on your PC, and appreciates a great looking background not at the expense of functionality... then please read on...

If you too have witnessed the amazing progress of the impossible voice/video & data all together over the same wire, and then just a few years later wireless, and then at broadband speeds in the last couple years, we have something in common. When Sense first came out it was amazing. Many people still are on old ROMs and are happy. Great! Stay there if you are. Others, like me, were simply amazed at burning the latest & greatest, and sat with shear amazement while clouds moved across the screen & lightning and rain streaked... even windshield wipers..!

Problem: All that cute animation costs RAM & processing power/speed, when the thrill is over... TURN IT ALL OFF! That was at the time websites were evolving from mobile usage to full PC website use by PPC's (even java & some flash). Probably everyone reading this has run out of memory at sometime or another on their TP2, usually during browsing. (and especially while posting PPCGeeks) This addresses some of those issues.
I. (imho)
BLOATWARE: Current ROM (my) & more memory.
#1. Windows startmenu (Windows Hardkey), DUMP IT (30 ish of RAM) (Alternatives: QuickMenu, NRG's Panel in his ROM, etc..) If not using an Energy ROM, you must use the startmenu remover.
Arto Startmenu Remover wm6.5.x StartX.cab
Arto Startmenu Remover wm6.5 StartX.cab

#2. Cookie/CHT Menu add on: Nice, fun, use to use it, good... DUMP IT (if you don't know what it is, don't ask.
#3. HTC Sense Menu: Dump it (30 ish MB RAM more if combined with Cookie)
#4. Windows Key/Startup: Much of the stuff in the \windows\startup dir: Dump it
#5. Page Pool (pp) http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/1910662-post22806.html

You'll see page pool is roughly 1 to 1. Use the page pool utility to set it prior to burning your ROM. Page pool as low as 8 is fine for great multi-tasking. If you go much lower, you'll start to see slowdowns as you navigate around menus & switch apps. If you have 100 MB of RAM with 20 pp, you'll have roughly 110MB with pp of 10.
150 MB.. how? .. My ROM: From #31604 (screen shot) All the above... and I cheated a little :>)):
Set page pool (pp) = 1, Burn a titanium ROM, uncheck Titanium, replace Windows startmenu, rename \Windows\startup directory, reboot.

Just for fun, I'd like to see someone post one with more! (and a few other tiny tricks, post if you want them)
*edit* Look at this post... #12 (& you can beat 150MB!

-This was a test only & not my daily ROM which sits about 125MB RAM! (subtract roughly 25 MB from 150 as pp 0 (zero) uses that much more, but the OS fly's)

Want a GREAT day to day ROM with 140MB? Reflash ROM with page pool of 8, then simply add a Today/Home menu: [IPT (has live icons/widgets), or easy menu] & a Windows/startmenu: [quickmenu or "Panel" in NRG ROMs]. DO NOT USE Page pool of 1 on a day to day bases, it's WAY too slow, not enough RAM for OS.

My current ROM? PP=0 (zero, roughly as if a 28MB pp), Titanium, uncheck it, install IPT, using NRG startmenu replacement Panel (startmenu remover + quickmenu works also), use mwalt2's complete transparency hex edit/reg edit/background rename..

Home/Today/Sense Replacement menu: install IPT or Easy (MmLauncher works also, but doesn't return to menu after app exit)

Why choose a titanium ROM? It should be called: Windows stock bloat free ROM
From the #1 chef on the site:
  • This is a minimal ROM version without Sense in it. It's used primarily for people that like to customize the default 6.5 homescreen (Titanium)
  • You can use it to install alternate homescreen interfaces like SPB Mobile Shell, etc
  • Very low memory footprint and good battery life, but very simple and lacks a lot of features that you would otherwise have available in Sense...
He should have added speed.

The cab files I install with a new ROM flash:
-however, will often rename the startup directory so nothing runs
Main Memory cabs: 1PercentBattery, BattClock.3.0.6, iPhoneToday-1.5.4, MSVC 1.6.23568, PocketInformant, Stock Volume sounds (Energy ROM only), Wi-Fi on in Standby, WiMoSpeed V1.06, WkTaskL_1202
SD installed cabs: GPSWeather Radar, Sprint TV
-I install no battery saving cabs anymore, even Maxx, who made some good ones, said he wasn't even using his own last I read in the VIN ROM forum.

100% Today/Home screen transparency: (without using Cookie or Sense or Titanium... save mega RAM not using the first 2!)
  • This mod is for the basic homescreen/today screen. (not titanium, sense, cookie, spb, etc)
  • -Titanium does this already, but I hate the titanium menu, uncheck asap from settings/home.
  • -Cookie does this already, but dumping it & Sense (which you can find mods to do this to also) saves a TON of RAM!
  • -There are Windows 5 & 6.1 mods & files that do this, but most won't work with 6.5.x.
Complements to mwalt2, hit HIS thanks button if you use this!

1. Back up your existing \windows\aygshell.dll & shell32.exe files first!
2. DL (HOT FILE DOWN LOADS click filenames (working great as of 6/9/2011) aygshell.dll and shell32.exe hex modded files to TP2 /windows. After a soft rest, both the taskbar and softkeybar are transparent. (only if you are running a 29007-29020 SYS)!!! Else, make your own below. You won't be able to delete the files in ROM, just overwrite them. If you don't receive a, "warning overwrite files?" message, something is wrong. The attached files are already hex edited & recmoded & I've used with many 290xx ROMs even though your suppose to have the exact same sys.

3. Set your Background image: Settings, home, classic blue (stwater_###_###.jpg)
Change the wallpaper by renaming your choosen .jpg (picture/background/theme/wallpaper) you want to use to:
  • stwater_480_800.jpg for portrait
  • stwater_800_480.jpg for landscape (soft reset needed to have them show)
Use the same source file for both 480x800 & 800x480 if you make your own.

I've attached 2 renamed cool desert jpg's below, simply right click them below, save as, & put in your TP2 \windows directory to test.

4. Delete these reg entries: Using Total Commander, Resco, etc.., click on regkey & backspace out all words (path/filename.png) (they overwrite anything in the task & softkey bars, typically black that is there now) If you don't delete the registry entries, they'll be transparent...but covered up by a png.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\SoftKey Bar]
"SoftKeyBarThemeImage"="\\Windows\\XXXXXXXX.pn g"


(You can't change home screens (themes .tsk's) in settings after this, unless you redelete those 2 regedits in step 2 each time (they are re-written each time you choose a different theme in settings)
Use the rename method above instead!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
To make your own aygshell.dll and shell32.exe hex modded files:
  • You must DL the same SYS as the ROM you're using to your PC 1st!
  • The easiest way would to be follow what is in this thread.
  • It's a simple hex edit and you just need to download the SYS in the ROM you are using from this thread and use recmod to turn the modules into files after you edit them, then copy into your TP2 windows dir.
  • If you don't have a hex editor, use HxD hex editor on your PC, It's free and easy.
  • You can get recmod here. Just drag the module over the top of the recmod.exe.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
That will give you truly transparent taskbar and softkeybar in both portrait and landscape. Any wallpaper will be fullscreen.

Again, thanks to mwalt2 for the help getting task & softkey bars transparent. I had some issues overwriting the 2 files in \windows. If it doesn't work for you, make sure to check the date on those 2 files to ensure they got overwritten! I had a bunch of issues, it helped to copy the files off my SD into main memory 1st for me?? You may want to try the certs cab that's floating around somewhere as well if issues.

tap & hold anywhere, options

Screen: Icon width 70, Icons per row 5
Add vspace 24 (all else 0 except offset T = 10)
(now Select screen type: pull down, BOTTOM BAR)
Icon width 58 (nothing else except T of 10 again)
Text settings: weight 900, shadow 1
Background: only center, fit width & fit height are checked)

Wallpaper: Transparent (ckd)
Movement: 14, 4, 20, 140, 20, vertical scrolling ck, Free Style ck (all default I think)
** except "Free Style" that's the cool one that lets you grab & move the entire icon pack around, even push it up off your screen & it'll stay there! (when combined with vertical scrolling)

General: nothing checked
On Launch: default i think, 40, pressed\Rounded
Animation: None is fastest
Transparency all unchecked
Out of screen all unchecked
Bubbles, nothing
Special icons setup up the way you want, in "Type" pull down box
none of the last 3 tabs... (once i put a golf swing in sound on launch)

I believe it was Wideawake that stated once, about stripping down a ROM too much like stripping a car, the gist I got was taking all the fun out of it....
My opinion is there is a line with extremes on both ends,
no menu, barebones, stripped, ugly, speed, RAM ------------------------ animation, great graphics, bloatware, no RAM, slow, unusable for any period of time. My opinion, what's outlined above is the best of both, leaning somewhat to the performance side. The TP2 cannot handle Sense & it shouldn't have been added, let alone dumping Cookie & a ton of cabs on top that!

Pic 1 & 2 are files to DL: R click & copy into your Windows dir, select settings/home/classic blue
Pic 3 is a screen shot of my TP2 with everything unchecked in settings/home/<<Items
***notice transparent top (taskbar) & bottom (softkey bar), can also easily get rid of big softkeys buttons also, if interest I can update this post.
Pic 4 my day to day ROM, RAM is over 120 with 2 MB shake & save & other programs, not taken on a fresh boot, otherwise around 126 MB. This is kind of cluttered right now, & I change the backgrounds around with the rename method above.. Notice the notifications on the icons (live widgets :>)) i.e. # of emails, calls, etc.. You can change the size of icons, number in the bottom bar & size independent, sweep right 3 screens total, sweep up & they all disappear leaving your nice background & the bottom row only, etc.. Opera NEVER runs out of RAM, its faster than anything & then OC with wimospeed on top of that... (see above for more re. NRGZ28 statements about his "Titanium" ROM, which is the wrong name for it... :>))
Attached Images
File Type: jpg stwater_480_800.jpg (229.6 KB, 161 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg stwater_800_480.jpg (229.6 KB, 131 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ScreenShot3.jpg (89.0 KB, 285 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ScreenShot2.jpg (108.5 KB, 404 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by teradog; 06-14-2011 at 11:49 AM.
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Old 05-03-2011, 12:40 AM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

Is it possible to download the rom from the phone with all of the customizations already made into an .nbh for an easy flash?
It looks like all of these mods might take an hour or so to do just going step by step

Cool stuff for sure. Will be a weekend project for sure.

Thanks for the hard work!
RUNNING: Ansar 8773 18L Custom Rom! Page Plus Cellular via Verizon Wireless Network
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Old 05-03-2011, 08:44 AM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

If so, I don't know how.. :>)) I can copy the 2 xml files that contain my IPT settings... the 1st post is WAY too wordy, but had a bunch of bases to cover... here's the short version: Given that I keep the sys & exe files, along with the backgrounds in \StorageCard\1backup\copytowindowsdir\ folder. \desert, \ocean, \sailboat, \desert2... each dir already contain the 2 renamed files stwater###.jpg. I also use oldsap to create clickable people to dial icons. It takes way less time than setting up cookie imho.

Short version of above:
1a. set pp & flash ROM
(any ROM will work fine, even sense/cookie ROMs, I flash titanium so I have more main memory program storage)
b. if NRG ROM, UC autoruns, installing your cabs (including predownloaded IPT or Easy menu or whatever menu you choose)), IF not NRG: either run UC, Sashimi, or manually install your cabs.

2. set the Home/today menu: settings/home/<<items, uncheck titanium, check IPT, exit... copy 2 IPT (Iphone Today) backedup xml files from SD (menu is setup already installed via UC after flash)
3. If NRG ROM replace start menu (windowskey): settings, startmenu layout switch, choose panel. If not NRG ROM: run startmenu remover & quickmenu.
4. Copy SD dir above with 4 files into Windows dir (2 stwaters, exe & dll)
5. Rename \windows\startup (so it doesn't run anything)
6. Restore your backup (contacts, email, etc)

DONE: Now that's easy!

noobs & lukers feel free to ask questions, I'll try to help everyone..
(but please avoid my one trigger... keyboard cabs.. lol :>))

Last edited by teradog; 05-03-2011 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 06:30 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

keep up the great work will try it later today let you know what i thought
IF I helped feel free to hit the thanks button

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Old 05-06-2011, 02:47 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

This a very interesting thread. Will have to keep a eye on it. I have moved up to a EVO, but still play with cooking for my TP. I'm going to try some of this on my TP.
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Old 05-08-2011, 12:51 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM


Can you advise me on backing up my contacts between flashing ROMs? My presumption was to back-up with activesync, but that gave me the impression it would use outlook, which I don't use. Also, I'm a bit confused on how to move .cabs from ROM to ROM. I hope I'm not asking a lot, but I'm still somewhat new to this. Thank you.
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:05 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

This is great but every time I enable a start menu replacement on Energy ROM the device freezes if i press the start button on the screen (not the hardware button)
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Old 05-09-2011, 10:52 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

Originally Posted by TheCourrier View Post
Can you advise me on backing up my contacts between flashing ROMs? My presumption was to back-up with activesync, but that gave me the impression it would use outlook, which I don't use. Also, I'm a bit confused on how to move .cabs from ROM to ROM. I hope I'm not asking a lot, but I'm still somewhat new to this. Thank you.
No worries... sorry slight delays in response.. baseball season
Contacts backup: many many ways, lots of people will have lots of opinions.. to each, right & best...
Here are some contact backups:
1. Activesync (as you stated),
2. PIM backup (which I'm currently using), Energy Rom's have it built in... but it's free, go DL.
3. sync to a google mail account.. if you don't have one, go make one & use just for that... you'll need it on the Android side
4. SPB, popular but I think there's some fee...
5. copy your mail file over, been a while since I messed with that, think cemail.vol may have it in (in root)

how to move .cabs from ROM to ROM

Some things are just too easy... you don't. Put all cabs on your SD card, I have an 8 gig for primary use, 16 GB are common, 32 around.. etc.. I've got 500 cabs all the way from my mogul days on it! :>)) different directories \mogul, \tp, \tp2, tp2\hot, tp2\startmenus, etc..
Run the cabs & then it'll let you choose where to install the program. I put some on main & others on SD..

I allowed my sig to show, please read "how to" link, it's long & a little old (the cabs I install at the bottom), but it'll put the whole thing into perspective for you.
Originally Posted by killerkhatiby009 View Post
This is great but every time I enable a start menu replacement on Energy ROM the device freezes if i press the start button on the screen (not the hardware button)
Energy ROM Wiki in my sig... under "S"
Also, in the Welcome message in bold, I've requested you always state which ROM you are on, date, build, etc.. Why? There was an issue with the mortscripts last month that messed up the startmenu layout switch in settings... I post an extra large red font for a fix in the Energy ROM forum..

Which are you trying to select? You are running the smls (startmenu layout switch) in settings correct?

click on my name top left, find all posts by, should be in the first page.. better yet, burn the latest ROM, I think it was fixed...

:>)) love your sig!

Also, if you do some reading & try a few things, feel free to ask as many followup questions as you wish, I'll be happy to help, but do no reading & try to skate by.. it's easy to tell :>))
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
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Last edited by teradog; 05-09-2011 at 11:03 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 12:14 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

Yes I am running the SMLS and I am on the latest Energy Titanium ROM 29020. I can switch layouts fine (as in I restart and everything is running etc), the problem is once I do the on screen start button no longer works (I've tried all the layouts except sense which wouldn't load for me). It simply freezes if I press it. The hardware start button will bring up the correct start menu I have switched to but the software button stopped working. I fixed it already though by going into utask settings and changing the start button to open quick menu.

Thanks for the help though, the tweaks are working great and I love IPT
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 08:25 PM
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Re: Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM

Originally Posted by killerkhatiby009 View Post
Yes I am running the SMLS and I am on the latest Energy Titanium ROM 29020. I can switch layouts fine (as in I restart and everything is running etc), the problem is once I do the on screen start button no longer works (I've tried all the layouts except sense which wouldn't load for me). It simply freezes if I press it. The hardware start button will bring up the correct start menu I have switched to but the software button stopped working. I fixed it already though by going into utask settings and changing the start button to open quick menu.

Thanks for the help though, the tweaks are working great and I love IPT
You get the transparent working?

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