Originally Posted by three west
so I used to use CHT 1.8.5, and wonder if a feature there is possible on 2.0.
On the main home screen I could swipe just the top row (showing 1 row on the home screen) of quick links back & forth while keeping the clock & other stuff above it stationary.
Now on 2.0 it swipes the clock & everything else on the homescreen back & forth with the quicklinks.
I've done a cursory search through the menu's, and don't see an option where I can use that older style functionality.
Anybody know if that's possible, and how to set it up?
Hi three west,
Yeah this is def possible with 2.0. When your on your home page hit, in your softkey, hit "menu"(cht menu)..then "edit home layout". once there hard press and hold on an item you want to stay stationary(ex. clock) and make sure "pin" has a check mark. Repeat for every item/widget you want to stay put on your homepage. you can also hit the settings logo, on the bottom, to make changes the the quicklinks bar and items on the page. do you have cht editor installed..tons of extra settings in there. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask..