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Old 03-09-2011, 10:58 AM
galingula's Avatar
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Our server died, and now I can't sync over wireless

Our SBS 2003 bit the dust. We now have SBS 2008, and my rig is still XP SP3. The domain changed so I have a new user on my desktop, and exchange is working fine on it. I can sync via USB just dandy, but for the life of me we can't get the wireless sync to work.

I've installed the Sec Cert just fine, but when I try to log onto the IP addy it keeps bouncing back and asking for my password again. So far as we can tell we're getting to the drawbridge and being rejected. When we change the IP addy it just says "no", so we think we're getting in.

It works fine for the office android phones, they have an extra box to check that says "except all certificates".

I couldn't really "delete" the exchange account that existed on the phone. "Delete" is greyed out, but I did break the links to the emails and all the other items.

Any ideas?

I'm on Sprint's stock ROM with a bunch of SPB stuff and that's about it
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