Re: Older & Newer SMS count
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Re: Older & Newer SMS count
I'm using Energy ROM 21916. It's threaded too. But when I click on a thread w/ a person, and scroll to the top of the page, I have to click "older" to get to see the next set of messages. (I text the same person a LOT..lol) I was wondering if it was a way to see all of my messages to one person w/o having to click on that.
Re: Older & Newer SMS count
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Re: Older & Newer SMS count
Yep I'm using Cricket, and No I didn't post on there. I probably should have, I just figured I'd getta quicker response here.. Ol' well, I'll wait to see if anyone has anymore suggestions.. But thanks though! (I hit the button!!)
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I believe the HTC version is the default on Energy.
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Re: Older & Newer SMS count
Re: Older & Newer SMS count
Re: Older & Newer SMS count
im on NRG and HTC Messaging isnt even in it...
when you see "older/newer" at the top and bottom, thats WM MEssaging... it only lets you hold 10 per page i believe.. i just scanned the Registry for you OP, but i didnt find anything that looks like it would do what your saying.. i dont think ive ever seen this question before, so i cant even point you to a solution OP.. i do know that HTC mesaging just lets you scrol and scroll-there is no older/newer if i remember right(been a bit since ive used HTC Mesaging).. i dont reccommend HTC Messaging though OP.. itll do what you want, but its slow and laggy..-but you can skin your messaging screen with it.. idk.. thats all i got lol
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Re: Older & Newer SMS count
lol...I figured such, after I kept playing with it... Thanks for your help... I know if I go through the bubble message (by clicking the sms on the home page) I can see a few more messages than actually going to the regular sms... But thanks again for your reply!!