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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 08:27 AM
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How long does your battery last using Google Sync?

I am debating on getting the Samsung Epic to replace my TP2, but am concerned about battery life. I had bought on over the weekend but ultimately returned it due to the poor battery life, but miss some of the features like the seemless integration with Google Voice.(a real money saver) After thinking about it allot, I started to wonder if perhaps one of the reasons for the battery drain was the fact that all android devices are set to sync with Google which basically means they are running a push email service which will drain the battery more than polling occasionally through pop3.

If you could help me on this one I would appreciate it. For me it is not even the 4g features that I want on a new phone, but more the android operating system which now has allot more software being developed than the windows mobile platform.

Thank You
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 09:29 AM
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Re: How long does your battery last using Google Sync?

POP3 vs Push battery consumption has been debated on and off for years now and I've always heard conflicting reports in terms of actual drain on the battery. The majority of that debate is filled with anecdotal evidence like the upgrade forum (where every rom is the fastest with the best battery life and most efficient memory management).

Another problem with the Epic/EVO is that they have a lot of wireless features enabled by default. Disabling a lot of that will greatly improve battery life. Without going into too much detail, I'll just direct you to read this article on the Evo since a lot of translates over to the Epic: 20 tips to improve HTC EVO 4G battery life
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: How long does your battery last using Google Sync?

I can get a day and a half to two days, but I use my device less than most. In general, most smartphones should last you through at least a day. Battery life is so dependent on usage and signal strength where you are that you can't really compare between users as everyone uses their phone differently, sets it up differently, and is in a different coverage area.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 10:29 AM
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Re: How long does your battery last using Google Sync?

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
POP3 vs Push battery consumption has been debated on and off for years now and I've always heard conflicting reports in terms of actual drain on the battery. The majority of that debate is filled with anecdotal evidence like the upgrade forum (where every rom is the fastest with the best battery life and most efficient memory management).

Another problem with the Epic/EVO is that they have a lot of wireless features enabled by default. Disabling a lot of that will greatly improve battery life. Without going into too much detail, I'll just direct you to read this article on the Evo since a lot of translates over to the Epic: 20 tips to improve HTC EVO 4G battery life

Thanks for the article.
As a current TP2 owner transistioning to EVO, that article was quite helpful.
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