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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 10:21 AM
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Again: Notifications

I have yet to find an answer and am somewhat amazed that nobody else is bothered by the notification manager (both the HTC screen AND the winmo native dialog).

THe HTC notification manager pops up in the middle of calls and other activitivies and is bothersome as hell. I want 100% rid of it.

The WinMo notification dialog is also bothersome as hell. I don't care to be told that my data connection has been lost every time I make a telephone call. I don't want a dialog telling me the signal faded and the call was dropped, the fact that it was dropped is an obvious indicator that the call was dropped.

I installed MightRom and Energy, thinking that somebody would have fixed these issues... nope.

Please help!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 12:27 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Yes, it's annoying but I don't make very many calls so it's not a big deal to me.
BTW couldn't you just post in the other thread you started instead of making a new one?
Notifications driving me crazy

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
Why bother posting if you are not able to offer any other input? You took the time to search for my old thread and post useless information instead of an answer.
Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
first, the guy who told you to Post in your old Thread about this, did the right thing-you shouldve posted in your Old Thread about this- so why give him shit over it.. i understand he didnt have an attempt at a solution, but he still had something right to say..
I searched for a solution and only came up with your previous thread, sorry I tried to help at all. I wanted to find a fix for in call notifications as well...

Last edited by one80oneday; 09-11-2010 at 11:40 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
Yes, it's annoying but I don't make very many calls so it's not a big deal to me.
BTW couldn't you just post in the other thread you started instead of making a new one?
Notifications driving me crazy

I've had this same problem but never got around to figuring out how to disable the notifications. When this happens I usually have to switch it to Airplane mode so I can have at least some functionality without the constant pop-ups. But thanks for the link. That thread takes you to one over at XDA-Developers which guided me to the proper registry to edit. I won't really know if it works or not until I roam to the area that my phone usually freaks out for not being able to communicate to the mother ship
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 02:32 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

theres this i suppose http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...2&postcount=12

honestly i get even get what the hell your talking about... you mean the bubble notications that can be set to show??

settings>sounds&notifications>notifications:for your txts,emails,pic mail and such showing on screen you just uncheck "show on screen" in each category

are you still on 6.1 or something? becaue ive been using 6.5 forever and never have any unneccessary popup notifications... even on phone calls
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
THe HTC notification manager pops up in the middle of calls and other activitivies and is bothersome as hell.
My attention to detail really isn't all it should be....BeanAnimal, I take it the registry edit found over at XDA didn't fix the problem?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 03:49 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Originally Posted by one80oneday View Post
Yes, it's annoying but I don't make very many calls so it's not a big deal to me.
BTW couldn't you just post in the other thread you started instead of making a new one?
Notifications driving me crazy
Why bother posting if you are not able to offer any other input? You took the time to search for my old thread and post useless information instead of an answer.

To the others:
I can get the HTC Notification Manager shutdown, but not the Winmo. I had the problem in verizon 6.1 and now with Mighty and Energry 6.5. It is a Winmo thing, not an HTC thing.

Yes, you can uncheck the boxes for pics, email, etc notifications, but there is no way to supress the notifications when there is a data error, a call is dropped, bluetooth is dropped etc.

I use Exchange with direct push, and other data services. EVERY time a call interrupts the data services you get a message bubble showing that *777 was diconnected. Every time a call is dropped (signal fades) a bubble shows up explaining that the signal faded and a call was lost. If you are on an active BT connection and it drops, you get a message bubble. NONE OF THESE can be turned off in the sounds/notifications settings.

I tried the hack over at XDA (with the sdkcerts file installed) and now instead of *777 message, I get an error message.

NO, I don't want to turn the data off or use airplane mode. I just don't want to be warned notified every time my phones status changes.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 12:20 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post

I can get the HTC Notification Manager shutdown, but not the Winmo.

Yes, you can uncheck the boxes for pics, email, etc notifications, but there is no way to supress the notifications when there is a data error, a call is dropped, bluetooth is dropped etc.

Every time a call is dropped (signal fades) a bubble shows up explaining that the signal faded and a call was lost. If you are on an active BT connection and it drops, you get a message bubble. NONE OF THESE can be turned off in the sounds/notifications settings.
Disable "SMS Sent" (Verizon): XDA
Disable Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect/Volume Notifications: XDA

There are other notification managers I have used, but I have recently reset my device and I am still looking for the old configuration files. FYI, I used these under WM6.1. Handy's still works in WM6.5.

By the way, how did you kill the HTC Notification Manager? Was it this:
HKLM\Services\NOTIFICATIONMANAGER\Flags. It should be 0 by default - change it to 4?

I don't use Sense (or Titanium), just the plain "Today Screen".

Just my $0.02 YMMV
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Last edited by Tybalt39; 10-04-2010 at 05:30 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 01:51 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Wow. some of you guys are dumb. i understand completely the issue. i HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM! i would LOVE an answer to this as well. its so f**ucking annoying. no sh**it the call dropped. hence why i dont hear the other person. and dont tell me i have no coverage and the SMS will be sent once i enter coverage again. Just freaking do it. Its so annoying the notification will come up and unless i close it it wont send or recieve texts even if i enter service. by far the stupidest thing microsoft did on this version of windows.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Yup... and in every one of these threads, 90% of the people just don't get it... though that is pretty much the issue in most of the threads on these forums. People offer opinions without ever reading and understanding the question they are responding to.

I will continue to look for an answer, as none of the proposed answers fix the problem.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 10:28 AM
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Re: Again: Notifications

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
Why bother posting if you are not able to offer any other input? You took the time to search for my old thread and post useless information instead of an answer.

To the others:
I can get the HTC Notification Manager shutdown, but not the Winmo. I had the problem in verizon 6.1 and now with Mighty and Energry 6.5. It is a Winmo thing, not an HTC thing.

I use Exchange with direct push, and other data services. EVERY time a call interrupts the data services you get a message bubble showing that *777 was diconnected. Every time a call is dropped (signal fades) a bubble shows up explaining that the signal faded and a call was lost. If you are on an active BT connection and it drops, you get a message bubble. NONE OF THESE can be turned off in the sounds/notifications settings.

I tried the hack over at XDA (with the sdkcerts file installed) and now instead of *777 message, I get an error message.

NO, I don't want to turn the data off or use airplane mode. I just don't want to be warned notified every time my phones status changes.
first, the guy who told you to Post in your old Thread about this, did the right thing-you shouldve posted in your Old Thread about this- so why give him shit over it.. i understand he didnt have an attempt at a solution, but he still had something right to say..

next, you dont seem to understand..
1) if your using exchange, you DONT need a constant data connection.. you need to set your Data to turn off after you use it, and youll get no more disconnected bubbles when making calls(that solves one of your popup issues)--Dont wanna turn your Data off as you mentioned above? then deal with the Popup-its that simple

2) Carriers give you call credits for dropped calls if you lose a call.. how you gonna know if You or the Other caller dropped the call without a notification?? this is one of the reasons for that Popup

again, if your not willing to stop your permanent Data Connection-then yourself is to blame for seeing some of those Popups, since theyre notifiying you your Data is turning off to do something else.. its easily fixable(as far as the data disconnect popup goes)-just TURN Off DATA(you dont even need PUSH for exchange, exchange is PUSH all on its own)

after reading how your mad that people cant grasp what your talking about and you bashing manufacturers for it, I almost hope there is no real solution for ya.. just to see you stayed annoyed..

its a fixable issue on some levels, yet your not willing to do what neccessary.. so STOP complaining already

Originally Posted by elesbb View Post
Wow. some of you guys are dumb. i understand completely the issue. i HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM! i would LOVE an answer to this as well. its so f**ucking annoying. no sh**it the call dropped. hence why i dont hear the other person. and dont tell me i have no coverage and the SMS will be sent once i enter coverage again. Just freaking do it. Its so annoying the notification will come up and unless i close it it wont send or recieve texts even if i enter service. by far the stupidest thing microsoft did on this version of windows.
thanks for calling US dumb!!! its appreciated, I wonder how many of US "dumb guys" have helped YOU with issues before.. i dunno, maybe were to "dumb" to help YOU out..

part of the solution is above.. ill say same to you, if your not willing to turn off DATA, then your stuck with Data related Popups... And cry a river over your carrier using a Notification to tell you your "out of Service" would you rather just think your SMS sent?? thats whatd happen.. then youd be on here saying "I wish when messages didnt get sent because of coverage, theyd tell me, i keep thinking im sending messages, but they just stay in drafts".. im guessing your one of those guys that always has an issue with something/someone..

and if you think this is the first winMO OS to have those notifications, your sadly wrong.. these Notifications have always been around(and happen on every OS in some fashion)-err atleast in the 3yrs Ive been here on PPCG and using winMO..

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
Yup... and in every one of these threads, 90% of the people just don't get it... though that is pretty much the issue in most of the threads on these forums. People offer opinions without ever reading and understanding the question they are responding to.

I will continue to look for an answer, as none of the proposed answers fix the problem.
Im pretty sure youll NEVER completely get rid of these notifications... so you can take the few steps mentioned, and rid yourself of atleast some of your Popups... OR you can do nothing, and have ALL the Popups.. its upto you... but obviously this issue isnt too annoying to Most Users, so please stop acting like its the end of the world already and eveyone and everything sucks because of it..

if you think BB, iPhone, and Android dont have system notifications also, your mistaken.. so this isnt something Only winMO did....

again, after your guys' comments, i hope theres NO real solution just to see ya guys suffer some more.. enJOY you day full of PopUps guys!!!!!!

-I have no issues!!!!!
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