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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 11:09 AM
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Angry Fifth times the charm???


Just went to the Verizon store as my TP2 is dropping calls like a seive, and they are going to replace it for the 5th time! I got this phone in February, and will be recieving my 5th phone next week. Has anyone else had that many problems with the TP2 (Verizon)? I broached the subject of switching the device for a different model (due to excessive problems), and was told that as long as Verizon has TP2s in stock, the only way to get a different model is to purchase one at full price. He did say that I may be able to get a different model for "half" price by talking to tech on the phone and getting a certified pre-owned (he called it a CPO) device. I really don't want to have to buy another phone, so I am hoping that this replacement does the trick! If you have any suggestions on how to get Verizon to offer a device swap, I would appreciate it! Thanks.

Rich S.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 02:41 PM
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Re: Fifth times the charm???

I've noticed issues are kinda hit & miss with the Touch Pro2 no matter what carrier. Personally I've never had a replacement & my phone is just as great as when I first got it. That's crazy that ur phone was dropping calls like that, did u try flashing a different radio?

Anyway Verizon should still have the rule if u get ur phone replaced 3 times within a certain amount of time, they have to offer u some type of incentive like an upgrade or something. I remember they did that for me when I had to replace my Palm Treo 700WX like 4 times. Because of that I ended up with my Touch Pro2, which is a HUGE upgrade!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Fifth times the charm???

Yea i'd definitely push for some type of incentive, I know a lot of people get upgrades in these sort of situations. You definitely shouldn't have to pay for anything.

I have had my Verizon TP2 since last September and it's still going strong, only issue I have is the Newton Ring on the screen which I know people complain about trading in multiple times for this issue, but I just deal with it and honestly hasn't had much problems besides slightly buggier scrolling. That may also be due to using a 6.5.x ROM though

Also like Dame said don't think to little of flashing a new Radio. At my school (Tuskegee University, basically a dead zone halfway in between Auburn University and Alabama State) no one has signal but me. It can also help with battery life so your phone won't always be looking for a good signal.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 04:55 PM
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Re: Fifth times the charm???

lol @ certified preowned TP2. Do you have the option of paying extra for rustproofing??
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