Originally Posted by beefcakeb0
Wow talk about off topic! LoL On topic, I use music id just fine on my tp2. But thanks for the midomi file, I have not tried it yet, but the sing feature sounds GREAT.
I guess it depends on your version.. Im pretty sure i have one of the orginal versions we ever passed around - thats v. 1.3.16 it says.. that version went out on me like 2 months ago.. it would be Listening or Analyzing to no end..
I replaced it with whatever current version I could find at the time, which is v.2.1.0(B5276) and it runs without fail again..
***so I just tried the orginal v.1.3.16 which I had replaced due to its failure to work... and it worked! no problem.. I swear this version failed on me in quite a few different situations..thats why I replaced it.. anyways I guess Both versions I have work then lol***