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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 02:27 AM
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Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

I battled with them for hours today. My original touch pro died.

So anyways they gave me 'the best discount they could'

I am going to end up paying $200 throughout the next few months and having to mail a rebate which I will certify and mail to them.

Pretty excited I can't wait to get ANSI/vt200 compliant Linux terminal emulation via PocketPutty ('/usr/bin/w' command says the window is too narrow on my original TP).
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 02:53 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

WOW!! i wouldnt go for it, i guess it depends on who you talk to and the time you do it. back in may i was on the phone with my gf at the time and my TP died while we were talkin to each other even tho i had it on the charger, fed up with having to end the call with her just to charge the phone i picked up my old krzr k1m and called sprint. I explained to the lady my situation and she agreed right then and there to replace my TP with a TP2, the nearest monday afternoon when i got home from seein my gf at the time my TP2 was waiting for me. months before i tried talkin to them online over this and they would not do it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 04:51 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by kinesis View Post
I battled with them for hours today. My original touch pro died.

So anyways they gave me 'the best discount they could'

I am going to end up paying $200 throughout the next few months and having to mail a rebate which I will certify and mail to them.

Pretty excited I can't wait to get ANSI/vt200 compliant Linux terminal emulation via PocketPutty ('/usr/bin/w' command says the window is too narrow on my original TP).
200 bucks for a year old phone? you must be loco. lol. it's such a rip-off. the brand new phones are 200 and they have twice the processing speed and bigger screen. just my opinion

Last edited by razorloves; 08-20-2010 at 04:54 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 05:49 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Yup, if i were u, i would go on craigslist. Find someone selling one for 100-150 and buy that?
Verizon T-Mobile Cingular All-Carriers-Except-Sprint. BANG BANG homie! They got m0ney for war but cant feed the po0r? What has this country

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 08:10 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

if you have insurance, and did not physically damage or get your phone wet, take it to a sprint repair center and they will replace the phone. Odds are they will replace it with a TP2
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 08:13 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Again.. to echo what the gents are saying.. Dont do it.. especially since you said 200 AND a rebate.. which entails 200+..Youll find many a TP2 on Craigslist, ebay.. any sales avenue you can think of really.. even this site.

Dont do it.

Also, if you want to pay 200+ for a phone. .why not score an EVO or Epic, then use Connectbot as the SSH client.. MUCH faster devices, built on a much more reliable platform.

but if you want to stay w/Winmo.. checkout:

Token2Shell instead of PocketPutty. Features an onscreen keyboard(Tab, Esc, PgUp/Down, Ctr, Alt and all Fx keys included).
Also has built-in SSH file browser amongst other things.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 08:24 AM
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I agree. You need to call back and try it again. I got my pro replaced with tp2 almost 6 months ago. They are really screwing you over. First things first, what plan do you have? If your plan allows android phones then don't upgrade yet and wait for the epic. Or just buy the hero on ebay or craigslist and thus way not pay the $10 fee. I sold my tp2 a couple weeks ago with 2 batteries and a lot of accessories for only $185. You can probably get a better deal. DON'T DO IT. Wait it out or it's just money down the drain. Android is a better way to go till windows phone 7 comes out. I hope you take all these tips into consideration.

Sent from my EvO using Tapatalk
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

+1 on what nuedof said regarding taking it to the nearest sprint repair center. most of the time...the technicians would rather save time and give you a replacement than to tinker with the device. it's easier to just let you have a new device. for example...the spring at the back of my tp2 screen broke so i couldn't slide the screen out all the way. brought it to the repair center and they told me they ordered the part and will get a call when it comes in. the other day they called and i was surprised to hear the rep tell me that "you're new replacement phone came and is ready for pick up". had to make him repeat what he said to make sure i heard him right the first time.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 12:12 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by Mojary View Post
+1 on what nuedof said regarding taking it to the nearest sprint repair center. most of the time...the technicians would rather save time and give you a replacement than to tinker with the device. it's easier to just let you have a new device. for example...the spring at the back of my tp2 screen broke so i couldn't slide the screen out all the way. brought it to the repair center and they told me they ordered the part and will get a call when it comes in. the other day they called and i was surprised to hear the rep tell me that "you're new replacement phone came and is ready for pick up". had to make him repeat what he said to make sure i heard him right the first time.

Make sure you go to a Sprint repair store, and not a 3rd party store that can fix Sprint stuff. The 3rd party stores only make money on new sales and upgrades an therefore could really care less if they give you the runaround. The sprint stores in my experience have a reason to care about keeping you happy (especially if you are out of contract )

Just be nice, and don't demand anything. Remember that you are not "entitled or deserve" a TP2 as a replacement for your TP1. Just tell them how this has inconvenienced you and that you just want a phone that works.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

You can walk into any 3rd party retailer and theyll do it for you... Sprint stores are pretty good with swapping them out to.... Stores were advised months ago not to replace TP1s with more refurbs...

goto a few stores first.. youll get it for free
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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