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  #241 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 05:13 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

hehehehe yeah good point though they are still available. I am actually thinking about "upgrading" to a TP2 from my TP2 so I can have another one AND lock in my rate for another 2 years more "securely" than it is now.
  #242 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
One more thing. Really. no force? so what happens when there are no new phones of any real merit that are compatible? sounds like FORCE to me.
Nerz i agree what you have said, we should not pay this freaking $10 fee per month. These companies are thriving off of us but there's nothing we can do. However lets look at this way about the price increase, am sure you love/like Sprint, the heck i do! I have 8 lines under my account and i also have converted about 40 friends of mine to come to Sprint and they love it! They love the price and the unlimited services they get. To get back to the point, no other service provider gives what Sprint gives with their pricing plans. No company will or can match Sprint's SERO or any other plans. I just think that if you dont want to pay the extra $10 just stock up on tp2's. Am sure there will be many TP2's for sale and the price will drop enormously. And metroPCShiet doesn't have anything on Sprint's SERO! Yes they are forcing but then you have the power to go to BoostMobile for $50 or MetroPCShiet and pay $40.

Although I agree with you 100% and I dont want to pay this $10 fee, i will still be "ok" because of the services Sprint gives back for the monthly fee and we get to have better phones. As far as the $10 fee for 4g, thats all BS! Perhaps if we get a petition going and get few million Sprint customers to sign it, we can get it waived off. But perhaps a petition is impossible because people will simply ignore it and rather pay the $10 4G fee.
Verizon T-Mobile Cingular All-Carriers-Except-Sprint. BANG BANG homie! They got m0ney for war but cant feed the po0r? What has this country

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  #243 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 06:04 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Alright, nerys, you seem to like your gas station analogy, so here's one for you.

All cars made previous to 2008 had 30 gallon gas tanks (email and web, but not always connected), and the gas station sold subscriptions for 5 fill-ups during a month's time for $30.

Now 2008 comes around and there are new cars with 50 gallon gas tanks (email and web, AND always on web services as well), so the gas station decides if you have one of these vehicles they are going to charge you $40 for 5 fill-ups during a month's time.

This seems reasonable because the tanks are bigger. You may say "but I don't get 5 fill ups a month!" That's fine, and you may not, but you have the ability to if needed.

Another analogy would be insurance. You pay a certain amount a month to cover IF something happens to your car. If you get a new car with more features you will be charged more because the company would have to pay more if you were in an accident. Same with Sprint. You may use data sparingly now, but Sprint doesn't know how much you would use if given a newer phone with "always on" services like the Pre or Android.

Anyway, sorry you don't like what the company is doing. Maybe you should get a degree and start working your way up the company ladder, become CEO and then YOU can decide how much to charge your customers.
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  #244 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
We have laws that VERY STRONGLY discourage sprint from doing exactly what you suggest. IE it would not end well for sprint at all. It might even finish them..
Good god you're a drama queen.

There are no laws stating that Sprint can't increase their pricing, it is perfectly lawful for them to discontinue SERO and transition out-of-contract users onto more expensive plans and not offer a renewal.

Landlords do this all the time; and it's perfectly legal to do so with proper notice. We're essentially renting bandwidth and voice traffic from Sprint, and they're legally justified in increasing the prices as they see fit.

Are you really going to try and tell us that someone with a Palm Pre/Pixi, a phone that is "always connected" and "constantly updated from the web" is going to use the same amount of resources as someone with an LG Rumor? Of course they aren't, that's stupid.

Then they allowed the Touch Pro 1/2 on SERO, and they found that people used more data...I certainly do...but Sprint made their bed and they're sleeping in it.

It doesn't seem like allowing the same mistake to happen again and again would be wise, since there are ACTUAL, NOT-MADE UP laws that discourage executives to allow decisions to be made that would cost the shareholders money, instead of profit.
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  #245 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 10:56 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

actually their is. Your quoting out of context. They can increase prices all they want. FOR NEW customers. but they are ENCOURAGED by our legal system to retain the price for CURRENT customers. this is why they are trying to FORCE people to "opt in" to this $10 increase instead of just DOING IT across the board. Because they CAN'T just do it across the board (please research out legal system just a little bit before you make blanket statements like that)

You would not believe the hell AOL went through when they tried to "cancel" a lot of their old $9 accounts in the courts. They lost badly. They got spanked. They made a deal and so long as they OFFERED dial up service they were required to honor those agreements.

We are not renting. We have an "ongoing" contract of X service for X rate.

Contrary to a landlord situation where there are ongoing and expanding costs (aging home aging hardware increased taxes etc.. etc..) this does NOT make a direct linear analog to a telecom where costs by definition GO DOWN over time not up.

NO as for the palm pixie and the rumor. What I am saying is that a palm pixie or pre will use NO MORE DATA in "my hands" than my PPC6700 or my 8830 or my 8330 or my TP2.

Sprint did not ALLOW the tp2 on sero (it was not sprints option at the time it was ALWAYS permitted)

sprint NOW is changing the rules and saying "x" phones won't be allowed unless you have Y plan. these are NEW invented rules that have nothing to do with the TP2.

they are in fact retroactively altering the rules. the BB 8530 and the Tour were both perfectly fine on the SERO plan 6-12 months ago. TODAY now they are no longer permitted.

Allowing the same mistake? this is EASY. if you buy a power vision phone OUTRIGHT they should HONOR their current agreement.

if you want SPRINT to subsidize it FINE I have no problem with them changing the rules because I CAN ELECT NOT TO CHOOSE IT.

Sprint is now telling me I don't have a choice because EVENTUALLY the only phones practically available to me with my current usage WILL BE phones that require an upgrade in service. They are effectively FORCING me to upgrade even if not "right now"

what happens in 5 years or 10 years and i can no longer get a "sero" compatible smart phone? will I not be FORCED to select either a higher price plan or discontinue service? that is not a choice that is an ultimatum and its unethical. Don't tell me I can't see that far into the future I have been with sprint for over 15 years already.

Your gas analogy is once again WRONG> its not flawed anymore its straight up intentionally wrong because once again you IGNORE the entire premise of my argument.


The new cars use the SAME damned gas and I use the same AMOUNT of gas. the only thing different is the car is newer/nicer. same gas same service provided same quantity provided.

you keep trying to TWIST this into my wanting more. NO I am not. I want what I have now just in the "newer" car which should not be any of sprints business.

The correct analogy is 2 cars. 1 old 1 new and the gas station wants to charge you more for NO OTHER REASON than you have a nicer new car. same gas same amount same service.

with the EVO and the EPIC you have a SLIGHT TINY vague consideration (but not really since 4g is VERY limited and its easily turned off)

with all the other iconic phones you have no footing to stand on. the only difference between a 8330/TP2 and a Pre is a hunk of plastic. Service wise they are NO DIFFERENT.

Last edited by nerys; 09-04-2010 at 11:05 PM.
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  #246 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 11:02 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Now keep in mind. if the tech FUNDIMENTALLY changes for example AOL going exclusively from dial up to DSL. in no way do I imply that AOL should be forced to give those dial up users $9 dsl.

but SO LONG as dial up is offered they are legally encouraged to HONOR their agreements.

When your "contract" expires nothing changes. you still have a legally binding contract with sprint. SO LONG AS sprint offers said service and so long as you keep your account current sprint is legally encouraged to HONOR the contract with you FOREVER as long as those conditions are met.

now if sprint were to say offer NO MORE 1x or 3g and go EXCLUSIVELY to a 4g network they MIGHT have a case to get rid of old accounts but even that is hinky at best since 4g is nothing more than a different FORM of network to do the "same" thing with no real "extra" cost (in fact the reason they are going 4g is because in the long run its CHEAPER than the current technology) (yes you do the same thing with dial up and DSL but they truly are fundamentally different in nature and cost 3g to 4g is NOT and irrelevant since they apply these conditions to NON 4g phones as well)

but so long as sprint OFFERS my service they are obligated to HONOR our contract. this is why they are trying to weasel out by restricting new phones.

I see that as a defacto breech of contract since INEVITABLY there will be no more compatible phones new or used and they know it.
  #247 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 12:21 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

all ive learned from this thread is that analogies are ****ing stupid. you can spin it anyway you want it. someone else will always be able to spin it back thier way.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #248 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 12:30 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

What was I thinking? Oh yeah, yee-haw!
Kiss my grits
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  #249 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

yeah that happens a lot. When people "like" or "desire" something they will defend it to great lengths even illogically. I have a feeling (NO insult intended in any form) that this forum is filled with a rather young age set of participants at least many of the replies to this thread.

alas if ENOUGH people are of this mindset we all suffer. For while I am in control of sprints actions "I" is a plurality of the customer base meaning its a majority rules kind of situation.

so if enough "I's" don't care we all suffer.
  #250 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 01:26 AM
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Originally Posted by nerys
yeah that happens a lot. When people "like" or "desire" something they will defend it to great lengths even illogically. I have a feeling (NO insult intended in any form) that this forum is filled with a rather young age set of participants at least many of the replies to this thread.

alas if ENOUGH people are of this mindset we all suffer. For while I am in control of sprints actions "I" is a plurality of the customer base meaning its a majority rules kind of situation.

so if enough "I's" don't care we all suffer.
Age probably has a lot to do with the answers. Being so young I only know things as this.

If you want this, you pay the price they ask. 1 vote / say in something won't change things. Maybe years ago. There are just so many people you just try to please the most you can. Trial and error. See what you can get away with.

Recently my internet 6 month rate ended and my bill jumps $15 for the same service. I am using the same amount but they charge me more even though I stayed with them for 6 months. Nothing I can do about it. Just the way things are.
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