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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 04:09 PM
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Exchange / Facebook sync issues

Running the latest Mightyrom Touch Pro 2 as of 3 days ago. I started having problems a week ago, out of the blue, all of my contacts were completely gone. These are all linked with my Exchange server at work. Couldn't get them back so after a few days fiddling with it, I updated to the new version of Mightyrom.

All of my contacts did come back, but it seemed to still have a hard time synching. It took many tries for all of my emails to come in. I still am unable to select all of the folders I need to download and it seems that the phone is not able to save the pictures from Facebook to the Exchange server.

When I go to link the Facebook account with a contact, I can see the small thumbnail pic in the top right corner, but once I hit ok to save it, the picture goes away and does not come back until I unlink and relink the account.

Any suggestions on how to fix the entire Exchange issue, or whatever the problem may be.

I have other people in my office with all different types of smartphones and nobody else I am aware of is having connection problems.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 07:49 PM
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Re: Exchange / Facebook sync issues

i dont social network at all.. so i may be off here..

when linking to facebook does the new sync'd info actually attach itself to the PIM.VOL(this is your contacts file)??

if it doesnt, then this is why exchange doesnt sync the FB pics w/ the contacts on their end..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: Exchange / Facebook sync issues

I am pretty sure it does attach the data to the contact on the exchange server. I say that because the pictures from Facebook show up on my contacts in Outlook at work. I do not use Facebook at all at work and, being the network admin, I know for a fact that Facebook is actually blocked at the firewall. I have never even once had anything from Facebook on my computer or Exchange server.
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