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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 01:42 AM
da84tona's Avatar
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Question RDP Into TP2

Ok, this may be a bit unorthodox, but I can't seem to find any information on it.

Here's the problem: My place of employment currently blocks EVERYTHING but google. My goal is to be able to access any website I like (educational websites of course). I've already created a free proxy using Google's app engine. Unfortunately, it does not handle SSH, so logging into any website with a user/pass won't work. I can only think of two solutions.

1. RDP from the computer to the cell phone and control it remotely from the computer. Kind of like MyMobiler, only without a USB cord (wireless). I'm unable to install MyMobiler, since i'm not on an administrator account, so something utilizing RDP, which is already installed and fully working on my workstation would be ideal. Is this even possible?

2. Is there anyway to utilize my phone's tethering ability ONLY WITHIN INTERNET EXPLORER, while using my workplace's LAN for every other normal work activity?

Please give me your thoughts/concerns/solutions.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 02:25 AM
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Re: RDP Into TP2

how about a virtual machine?
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
Navizon CM&ResProxyKiller nueRom SuspendResume777
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