Originally Posted by dlanes
Alright when I first got my phone it was nice to go to battery and click on the battery status and see how long since last charge and battery usage IIRC. I am using mighty rom and since the change this feature is gone. It would be nice to get this feature back. Is there a cab or tweak to bring this feature back? I tried searching, but most of what I found was 1% battery and time/battery fix. It's a nice way to know how long I have gone since I charged last to kinda figure when I need to charge my phone again.
Does the ROM you are running have the 1% battery driver in it?
I know when I install the 1% driver I lose that information as well - and the only way I have ever been able to get it back is to hard reset...maybe someone else knows how to get it back.
But I dont think you can use the 1% driver and have this information (at least I havent been able to in 6.5 - I cant remember if it worked for me in 6.1)