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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 07:22 PM
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Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

Hi y'all,

I've had my TP2 since December. I was totally shocked by how fast and stable the Sprint stock ROM was. It was just lacking features. Development has really matured, and we have some excellent chefs. I never liked too many roms with a lot of customization, and have been pretty loyal to MightyROM since I got my phone, though I have tried all sorts of different ones.

Thing is, my phone acts like crap now. I get SOD's and random freeze-ups. Things that, to the best of my memory, used to work flawlessly, now act really glitchy.

I don't know if there's some hardware failing on the phone, if my memory just serves me incorrectly, or if some software I'm installing is the culprit.

I even loaded the original Sprint 6.1 ROM last night, and it acted funky. Went back to MightyROM 6.5 and it seems to be working a little better than it was before. Flash dance helped me maybe? I always Task 29 before installing a new ROM.

I would get a refurb from Sprint, but my water sensor is red. Asurion isn't an option anymore since they quit offering the TP2. What should I do? I am holding out for the Epic, which I'll probably replace this with as my contract is about to be up. But I don't know if I can get by with my phone being this buggy in the meantime.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

going through the same thing. the case is cracked and chipping away. its buggy, slow and just all around frustrating to use. ill be getting the EVO in October but god help me. i dont know how much longer i can stand to use this thing. it seems like things went downhill after the official Sprint 6.5 ROM but i could be wrong. a hard reset every once in a while does the trick but other than that my TP2 is nothing more than a glorified wireless router for my iPod touch (shhhh dont tell anyone) and something i use for txting and the occasional phone call.
Originally Posted by gobmonster View Post
My mogul did seem way annoying, it was like waking up after a bar night and a surprise next to you... but everyday!

The touch pro is like waking up to a super model, and shes just waiting there whispering in your ear vs the mogul being some fugly chick that wakes you up with constant irregularly timed snoring
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

as 4 the slowness...i would suggest any clear temp app an clear ram app. when u use it long enough an depending on how you use it cache an temp files add up, clear them. if you dont turn your phone off at night or soft reset once a day then ram an such add up.

also when you install apps then unistall them, unless you use memmaid or other similar uninstall app sum times things get left behind. same goes w/ themes an such so if you did this alot, then it wouldnt be bad idea 2 hard reset then start fresh. i always install my main apps and set up settings after hard reset. then i make a backup named default, which is my starting point. so that way i can play w/ themes and apps an if i dont like it i go back 2 my starting point and start over if it goes haywire

a gud thing 2 remember is --- a soft reset a day, keeps da bugs away

you dont have 2 wait until your phone freezes 2 soft reset!

i dont really use task 29, maybe once. but i rather flash stock then custom rom. dont 4 get a hard reset after the custom rom.

maybe this will help maybe its hardware, but 4 the physical damage your on your own
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 08:22 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

i have a first batch or close to first tp2 and it runs smooth as babys ass.(thats smooth)
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Old 07-25-2010, 08:55 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

hey OP, maybe you have corrupt file on mem card or mem card goin bad. try removing that and sim and then flash stock rom via activesync, then Clear Storage. Then see how it runs.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

i say that age doesnt affect it if its well taken care of..

i have an original TP2 from launch that i use daily as my main line...

its solid as a rock still.. software/hardware running great still...

even physically my device is holding up with age.. ie, no seperation between top and bottom half, hinge is still as strong as Day 1, no rainbow branding, no screen seperation, no dead pixels..

TP2 has definitely out-lasted any phone ive had before it..
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Old 07-25-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

Got mine when first released from Sprint, no issues at all, slider still great, no screen issues, runs great, faster and smoother than heck.
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Old 07-25-2010, 10:18 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

just like What Razor said it is a possibility that you have a memory card problem.

i just got a replacement again from VZW a few days ago. the phone was very buggy freezing up during texting and not letting me sync or charge with the mini usb port, i cleared memory and hard resetted ..... and nothing.
totally forgot about the memory being in it i have a few back ups and swapped it for a new one it works great even the mini usb works.

now i just have to decide if i want the replacement or not
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Old 07-25-2010, 11:01 PM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Diamond: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

OP I suspect you've never used an app like cleartemp or memmaid to clear cache, cookies, history, and other temp files. Also I bet you have hundreds of text messages, picture mail, and mail attachments saved on your device which will slow things down. If you do a little maintenance things should continue to work fine.
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Old 07-25-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: Does the TP2 become less stable with age?

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
i have a first batch or close to first tp2 and it runs smooth as babys ass.(thats smooth)
same here
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