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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 10:36 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
WTF? This thread is 80% noise...
Yup, Time to shut her down, lol
  #72 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 10:49 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

I just went to Asurian's site and it appeared as though I would get another TP2 when filing a claim to replace mine. Went up to the payment screen and was never shown anything that the TP2 wasn't available.
  #73 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 11:37 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

BOTTOM line is everyone, sooner or later the $30/month SERO account holders WILL have to change their plans or buy a used phone on ebay...It's getting closer and closer, simple as that. Like someone said, most smartphone owners want a newer phone every year or 2 so this point going forward by doing so it looks like our only options would only be to change the rate plan. Even by going with the $60/month SERO, for me it's still cheaper than going through Verizon.

There's always going to be different opinions when it comes to this topic regarding SERO accounts, but this was not a thread intended to discuss that. Simply post your responses on your recent experiences with Asurion. That's all we need here.

The week of the 7/14 is when I took my TP1 into the store due to the keyboard going out. Guy tells me they no longer have the TP1, but only the TP2 and will be sending me this. They order it at the store, and I go in next day to pick it up. It was a refrub. Now, this past Tuesday my screen somehow cracked while in my pocket. No idea why or how, it just did. So, I called Asurion and thats when this all started about them telling me it's been discontinued, etc.

I called back yesterday just to check on the status of my phone since its been 3 days already since filing my claim and still haven't received the phone. It's on its way, but while on the line I continued to ask the rep about whats going on. They act clueless. They tell me that per their notes, the phone HAS been discontinued (through Asurion of course) and once the warehouse is completely out of them they will only be offering other comparable replacements. When i asked how come I was assured the first time I called they had none in stock and when I called next day explaining about my rate plan wouldn't work on the others, I was then able to get one. He said "for right now, in certain cases due to rate plan compatibility issues, we are having to make exceptions"
  #74 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 07:31 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

Just throwing this out there.

I work for at&t, and we will still offer the TP2. However since Asurion is another company (we only affiliate with them, we do not own them, and they are NOT considered to be "at&t employees"), I can't say for sure about them.

However, if you start a new contract, or if you want to upgrade your phone, you can still get your hands on the TP2 as easy as 1,2,3.

(just a heads up on the subject)

Note - This also includes at&t in store services. You won't have a problem swapping out your defective TP2 for A working one
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Last edited by jamio88; 07-24-2010 at 07:37 PM.
  #75 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2010, 08:30 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

Originally Posted by AZTECA View Post
You know... I never go through Asurion... I always go into the store. I feel I can make my point a little better when they have to look at my face.
Do you think the stores will not replace my TP2 with a TP2 if I walk in?
HA! Im sure when they see your face they say. "Here comes the mudkip".

On a serious note, so what happens if your on SERO and Sprint dont allow Android on SERO. Then what?
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2010, 12:14 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post
HA! Im sure when they see your face they say. "Here comes the mudkip".

On a serious note, so what happens if your on SERO and Sprint dont allow Android on SERO. Then what?
If this is the case, I want to replace my phone because the screen and base have a gap between them and it seems to be widening. I went to the Sprint store and they said since it works they can't replace it. I may just pay the deductible. Can I get them to replace my device if I do that? I remember they said I could do that with my Treo 800w back in the day when they deemed the damages to my phone physical.

  #77 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 01:44 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

Asurion is replacing Droid with Droid X or Incredible.
Is it possible that TP2 will be replaced by something like that?
  #78 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

Originally Posted by ghdtpdna View Post
Asurion is replacing Droid with Droid X or Incredible.
Is it possible that TP2 will be replaced by something like that?
Asurion is extremely wrong if they think there going to replace my TP2 with anything less than an Evo.

(I'm just hoping my TP2 lasts me until January)
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

I would love to have the Evo, but it sounds kind of far fetched. Assurion replaces a 3g phone with a 4g phone... uhhh i dont know..
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 10:12 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 no longer available through Asurion

I could accept an Evo 4G as a suitable replacement for a TP2 . . .

Last edited by Elbimster; 07-26-2010 at 10:17 PM.
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