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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 11:50 AM
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Re: Upgrading to 6.5

Originally Posted by MsNattie View Post
Thank you so much!! (Sucks though) And I was skimming the other threads with all this fancy custom ROM talk and it's intimidating!! I'm a text wh0re - 3000+ texts a month. So you can only imagine. Dangit...ok. Hoping I can learn a thing or two about all this fancy talk....I DO have a passion for computers so I kinda get it...

I did have my gmail set to keep 30 days worth of emails, I've cut that down to 5 days. Same with my Yahoo. I am praying for either a patch, or an EVO Pro that will have a slide out keyboard.
Wow... there's a big lag already, 5 days worth of emails from both gmail and yahoo and that many texts??? Maybe you should try 1 day of emails and use the pc for the remainder of them and keep cleaning out your texts, you can back up nightly using MS myphone and archive the ones you really need to keep.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Upgrading to 6.5

Originally Posted by MsNattie View Post
Thank you so much!! (Sucks though) And I was skimming the other threads with all this fancy custom ROM talk and it's intimidating!! I'm a text wh0re - 3000+ texts a month. So you can only imagine. Dangit...ok. Hoping I can learn a thing or two about all this fancy talk....I DO have a passion for computers so I kinda get it...

I did have my gmail set to keep 30 days worth of emails, I've cut that down to 5 days. Same with my Yahoo. I am praying for either a patch, or an EVO Pro that will have a slide out keyboard.
thanks for the thanks, glad to hear it helped. Once you get your feet wet here, read about the different ROMS, etc, you might want to try one. I am on Mr. X' VZW 'fixed' MR2 ROM and no SODS. Unfortunately it isn't for Sprint, but there are others I understand. I'm not too familiar with them as I have what I want now, but there is lots to read and learn from.

One mod I would *highly* recommend for anyone is Cookie's Home Tab, and Cookie's Home Tab Editor ( you need both really ). Read up on them first and what they can do, I'm sure you'll want it after that.

Have fun
If I've helped you, hit the THANKS!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Upgrading to 6.5

Thanks for your experiences with 6.5. I was only going to give it a try because I am having lots of problems with active sync and work email. We have outlook email for 12000 employees. Those with android, iphone, palm, and berries have no problem with a new server upgrade. Those with windows do. Go figure, Microsoft to Microsoft. I did not expect 6.5 to fix this, but was things that maybe on a longshot.....
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 05:19 PM
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Re: Upgrading to 6.5

Originally Posted by jerseygeorge View Post
Sounded great, but it did not work. I took the .exe file and renamed it . I put it on the root directory. I go in with File Explorer and see the file. I click on it to open it and get a message:

The file cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of its components cannot be found, blah, blah, blah, etc.

Next suggestion????
use a program like WinRar to extract the exe file. then do what boredandtattooed said. it's very easy. you dont have to take it to verizon to do it.
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