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View Poll Results: Do you think our WM chefs should start aiding TP2 Android development?
Hell yes! 16 50.00%
Maybe...in their spare time? 7 21.88%
Hell no! WinMo-4-lyfe! 9 28.13%
Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 11:13 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

I can say, as an htc hero user who came from a blackjack 2/vogue/diamond, that android is far more stable than ay of my windows phones were. My hero has a 528 mhz processor and, even while running multiple apps at the same time with the htc sense framework running in the background, is still pretty snappy.

More on the subject, this question is both irrelevant and unrealistic. That's like asking windows xp programmers to help modify ubuntu kernel structures. Just because you are a dev doesn't mean you can develop for everything. The chefs at this point have made their choice of platform.

I'm not saying they will be able to do it either. I'm just saying that out of all of us, the cooks are probably the more technically inclined and coule therefore, probably, offer the most help.
As for this, i'm sure there are chefs that, no matter how much time they spent with android, still couldn't get their hands dirtier than i do in android. I'm not trying to say that i'm the shit and know everything about android, but it just makes sense to me. The way windows mobile works has never seemed logical or efficient to me, so i could never really wrap my head around it's math. Android, on the other hand, is very tailored to the way i think and i can therefore delve deeper than a lot of people much faster.
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Last edited by bradart; 07-14-2010 at 11:16 PM.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 02:26 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by JDM_SOHC View Post
My brother has already returned his EVO twice for Android related issues... So as far as being reliable, I guess you got lucky but you can't say I'm wrong when I witness first hand him bringing his brand new phone in more than I bring in my year and half old phone... Android shit should just stay in the Android forum IMO, Android has nothing to do with WinMo and a large majority of us love WinMo for the time being... Sucks that there are so many haters...
oh, you're talking about returns? in that case, that's an htc issue, not winmo or android specific, and we can extend that luck to you too, not just me or anyone else. I bought a tp2 at launch and remember how many people were 8itching about issues while mine was fine (same with tp1). Many people returned their tp2s that first month. I still use my original tp2 and i haven't returned my original evo either.

It's the same with every htc phone. Some have issues, some don't. So your reliability argument doesn't hold water just because your bro had to return it a couple times. There's proof all over the tp2 forum that it's not anymore "reliable" than android devices.

PS: a lot of android users still use winmo devices on other lines, so it's not about hating, it's just opinions. When people, who actually have android devices along with their winmo devices, see threads about android on a winmo forum, of course they're going to take a look and say their 2 cents. Now if they dont even own a windows phone anymore, that's a different story
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 07-16-2010 at 02:29 PM.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
oh, you're talking about returns? in that case, that's an htc issue, not winmo or android specific, and we can extend that luck to you too, not just me or anyone else. I bought a tp2 at launch and remember how many people were 8itching about issues while mine was fine (same with tp1). Many people returned their tp2s that first month. I still use my original tp2 and i haven't returned my original evo either.

It's the same with every htc phone. Some have issues, some don't. So your reliability argument doesn't hold water just because your bro had to return it a couple times. There's proof all over the tp2 forum that it's not anymore "reliable" than android devices.
I just had to throw my 2 cents in with this, I got my TP2 Sept. 30th 09. Its been rock solid for me hardware wise, Ya I have had my quirks here and there with the software but I have been a WM user for so long that it was not anything new. Each user is going to experience differences with there hardware. Some are power users who work the phone to death, some are people that beat there phones to hell and back, there are users that use the phone as just that a Phone. there are user's out there that take very good care of there phone's and baby them really well (I would fall under that category).

goes back to that saying one man's garbage is another man's treasure. Each is to his own and be happy that we have the choices that we do in this day in age.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 10:36 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

How does every Android thread eventually turn into a WM vs Android opinions and preferences? More importantly, where are all the SERO people????
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 11:33 PM
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Re: Should the chefs start helping Android?

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
How does every Android thread eventually turn into a WM vs Android opinions and preferences? More importantly, where are all the SERO people????
I think Sprint had the last few SERO hold outs offed. They were costing too much money!

My opinion on the whole thing. I've used the touch pro2 and htc hd2 and played with the samsung Moment.
This whole speed thing is ridiculous. My TP2 was faster than my daughters ipod touch and the moments I have played with. This is using my own cooked ROM and SPB MS. I will agree that sense is a problem on the tp2.

Now on my HD2, I am running energy's ROM (23569) with sense and cht and the thing just blazes. Yes apps take a few seconds to open. That is the case with all phones unless they are minimized in the background. Even the vaunted iphone/ipod touch takes time to open apps, it just gives you a pretty screen to stare at while it does it, instead of a spinning wheel.

It comes down to preference. It is nice to use some of the same programs for the last several years. I'm not against android, but I also don't understand the popularity. I think it is for the closet iphone fanboys. In public they bash the iphone, but secretly wanted one all along. Android is the compromise.

I switched to the hd2 for WinMo, the hardware specs and honestly, t-mobile's data speeds blow sprints out of the water. It should hold me over till the second gen wp7 devices come out and then I'll decide where to go.

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