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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 07:23 PM
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VZW MR2: Call screen missing buttons!

The VZW 6.5 MR2 ROM call screen is different than previous stock roms. It's missing the second row of buttons!
I'm talking about the screen when you're actually in a call.
In ths ROM I only have the buttons:
Call History

I used to also have another row of buttons and was hoping to get them back. I can't remember what they all were, but I'm particularly missing the Note button. It's still available from the menu, but I really preferred the button.

Anyone know how to bring those back?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 09:21 AM
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Re: VZW MR2: Call screen missing buttons!

They are all still there. Is one of the buttons you have available during a call named "Unlock"? If so, just click on the "Unlock" button, then all the buttons you are looking for will be available. They are just "hidden" because the phone is in a semi-locked phase when you receive a call.

If you are initiating a call, just click on the left soft-key, "Call Status". The button you are looking for are there.

Sorry, I don't have any screen prints for you. Hope this helps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2010, 10:36 PM
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Wirelessly posted (XV6875.1 Opera/9.70 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))

Originally Posted by ScratchyPDX
They are all still there. Is one of the buttons you have available during a call named "Unlock"? If so, just click on the "Unlock" button, then all the buttons you are looking for will be available. They are just "hidden" because the phone is in a semi-locked phase when you receive a call.

If you are initiating a call, just click on the left soft-key, "Call Status". The button you are looking for are there.

Sorry, I don't have any screen prints for you. Hope this helps.
Hanks but neither of those is the problem. I know if the phone is locked you don't see all the buttons and switching between the keypad and status.
Are you running the MR2 Rom? I'm bnot running Sense. When you run sense it changes the call screen with some of the Sense buttons. If you're not missing the buttons it might be because you were always running Sense/TF3D.
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