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Old 07-07-2010, 07:52 PM
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Pocket PC: T7380 Touch Pro 2 <-6850 <-6800 <- 6700 <- 6600...
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Anyone have a f5 networks firepass vpn for wm that won't crash the tp2?

I want to vpn to our f5 networks firepass from my tp2. When I go on through opera it asks me to download "F5 SSL VPN Agent for Windows Mobile 5.0 and highter (Pocket PC)". I did that and it crashed my phone, had to do a hard reset.

Known issue for the tp2 but ender519 posted a patched version here: http://devcentral.f5.com/Community/G...7/Default.aspx

Whenever I try to install this i get a "Installation of ppcvpn_50.sa.cab was unsuccessful." I also tried to install this first after a hard reset, still didn't work.

He (or she) said they never had any problems getting this to install on a verizon tp2 with stock and custom roms.

I'm on sprint stock rom 6.5. Does anyone have the cab or gotten it to work on their sprint phone. It shouldn't be a sprint issue, but that's the only thing I can think of now...
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