Re: Whats next? after TP2
Nobody can really say whats next. Sure there are rumors floating about, but for the time being thats all they are.
I have heard that Windows Phone 7 is suppose to launch Q3 2010, but again only time will tell.
I for one will (probably) upgrade to the HD3 when im due for an upgrade. However I am excited to see what the Gold holds in store for us (no matter what though, my next phone will be an HTC)
If you get the Iphone(y)4, make sure you get a headset so you can use it....oh and a case that matches your tampons (maybe a nice little purse to?), just a thought.
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728