Re: Registry Edit for Tether Speed
i dont think so.. if there is i somehow missed that..
things that weigh on your tethering speed: -signal strength: i think this is self explanatory -connection type: usb(ics) VS bluetooth VS wifi -everyone has different feelings on which they prefer to use.. -connection method: how are you connecting?? a.simple usb b.bluetooth(TP2 has terrible BT stack and support from what ive read) c.wifi apps- WifiRouter(aka Tom Condon, HTC wifirouter), WMWifiRouter, other -**you also have to remeber that your limited to 3.6/1.6(i think) for your up and down on speeds anyways(carrier/3g limit)** personally i use WMWifiRouter from a TP1 using 3G to Wifi option more than anything.. on a perfect day i can run: xbox live, torrent, and surf.. but my TP2 running the HTc Wifirouter method is the fastest for just a simple download or something.. if your trying to lots of data intensive things at the same time and getting lag, it may be bandwith issues your coming across and not that you cant tether faster enough.. in that case its our chips si where were limited and not in actually speeds.. gettin me here?? out of curiosity, what kinda of speeds are you getting?? id say the average for sprint users is around 1.5 to 2.5 +/- down and about 1 +/- up.. thats just based on what i see here from time to time..
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