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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 06:42 PM
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Question Sprint TP2 on Tmo Edge/3G Radio Support

Currently I'm using Sprint's version of TP2. I have used the rhodium unlocker and I am currently able to use T-Mobile as my primary cell carrier. I have searched around alot online and through XDA/PPCG and found alot of folks that can't access 3G speeds on T-Mobile/ATT with their phones. I did alot of searching and i found that TP2 only supports HSPA/WCDMA: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. With this said a Tmo TP2 can get 3G but a CDMA based TP2 can't.

My main question is..

I have done part repair on a G1 before and the radio was detachable, is there a possibility that you could frankinstein a radio from a Tmo phone and put it in a sprint phone? If its a hardware limitation that should fix it.

Another question..

IF this is not possible and or is not a hardware limitation is there any way to modify/reverse engineer a radio file for a GSM TP2 to find out the programming to make it work on the 1700 MHz spectrum?

Im pretty new to the scene and was wondering these things and didnt see any mention of the above in either of the forums.

"no body knew SPL's could be changed in the beginning until someone tried and succeeded"

Let me know your thoughts...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 06:49 PM
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Wirelessly posted (PPCGEEKS Fire Dept.: Opera/9.70 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) TMO-US_LEO)

we need a volunteer! seriously, if xda hasn't come up with something by now, I doubt anyone will. they had to buy the austrailian version of the hd 2 because it had more memory and could handle 3g from anyone but tmobile.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 09:49 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 on Tmo Edge/3G Radio Support

Originally Posted by quantumtransfer View Post
Currently I'm using Sprint's version of TP2. I have used the rhodium unlocker and I am currently able to use T-Mobile as my primary cell carrier. I have searched around alot online and through XDA/PPCG and found alot of folks that can't access 3G speeds on T-Mobile/ATT with their phones. I did alot of searching and i found that TP2 only supports HSPA/WCDMA: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. With this said a Tmo TP2 can get 3G but a CDMA based TP2 can't.

My main question is..

I have done part repair on a G1 before and the radio was detachable, is there a possibility that you could frankinstein a radio from a Tmo phone and put it in a sprint phone? If its a hardware limitation that should fix it.

Another question..

IF this is not possible and or is not a hardware limitation is there any way to modify/reverse engineer a radio file for a GSM TP2 to find out the programming to make it work on the 1700 MHz spectrum?

Im pretty new to the scene and was wondering these things and didnt see any mention of the above in either of the forums.

"no body knew SPL's could be changed in the beginning until someone tried and succeeded"

Let me know your thoughts...
Wouldn't it just be cheaper to get a T-mobile TP2 instead of trying to swap hardware from another phone into yours?
Stock and Rooted

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 10:52 PM
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Question Re: Sprint TP2 on Tmo Edge/3G Radio Support

realisticly speaking, I like the option of going to sprint when i need to. But in this case this is not the point of the post.

* Is there away to pull the info from the radio for GSM (tmo ) to interface it or input it into the gsm radio file in the tp2 so folks with cdma phones can have full 3g access..

basically provision the gsm radio to access 1700MHz for the 3g to work on tmo.

shouldn't be that hard but then again im not a programmer. and i doubt its a hardware limitation.. that would be a lazy mans excuse. unless its really not possible and has tried above proposed.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2010, 10:56 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 on Tmo Edge/3G Radio Support

If it wasn't that hard, then it would have been done. Even if you got a gsm radio in there (which would kill your switching to sprint theory), you would have to also use a gsm ROM. There might also be other hardware that is gsm/cdma specific as well that might have to be switched.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 on Tmo Edge/3G Radio Support

hey which rom did you use?..and can you post a direct link to the unlocker you got
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cdma on 3g, sprint tp2

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