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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 04:19 AM
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Why don't we have the Attachment tab too?

Alright, don't flame me or yell at me for asking- obviously by looking at my stats- I'm not a noob.

But have any of you wondered why we don't have an attachment tab like android does? The ability to filter out e-mails that have attachments seems awfully useful to me, don't you?

Just look at CNET's video on EVO 4G about what I'm talking about (No this isn't because I want a 4G but it just so happens to be a good video to demonstrate my point)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 09:02 AM
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Re: Why don't we have the Attachment tab too?

This mail interface is I assume for Windows and synchs with Outlook... I am afraid one of the reasons I stick with Windows Mobile.

I just tested this sucker and indeed I cannot find an attachment I sent myself?! When it first showed up in the inbox I had the option of downloading the attachment, which I too, but where did it go?

I assume this is your question. What a POS. I would be with Android or Apple in a second without some of the synchronization I used to have with Windows Mobile.
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 06:42 PM
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Re: Why don't we have the Attachment tab too?

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
This mail interface is I assume for Windows and synchs with Outlook... I am afraid one of the reasons I stick with Windows Mobile.

I just tested this sucker and indeed I cannot find an attachment I sent myself?! When it first showed up in the inbox I had the option of downloading the attachment, which I too, but where did it go?

I assume this is your question. What a POS. I would be with Android or Apple in a second without some of the synchronization I used to have with Windows Mobile.

Well actually, I was referring to the an actual tab in android, where it filters out all e-mails that has attachments to it (there are even other filters- like meetings and such).

You can download the attachment- but it doesn't get saved on to the device, what you do is- press and hold- you'll have an option pop up "Save as" and then you choose the destination to where you want it to be.
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