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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 02:22 PM
JaedenRuiner's Avatar
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Re: HTC Sense

I know it is always easy to point to the user and claim there is a "loose nut behind the keyboard". I do it myself when I'm having to deal with the problems created by users. I expect a "modicum amount of configuring." As it is, I re-setup the emails to only retain the last like 5 days of emails, and HTC Sense sped up dramatically. But now, give or take every other day, I have to hit the reset button to reboot the device because whether it is HTC Messaging, or Wm 6.5, or whatever, something locks up the device so that I can't even get back to the home tab. I therefore have to use the Start Menu to navigate and when i try to run the Texts or Emails or other apps through the Start menu, the phone freezes. I can use the physical button on the front to return to the Start menu, and the task manager will tell me an app is running, but I can't get to it. So I have to soft reset the device in order to use it again.

A) I didn't modify anything until the phone was showing signs of not working as smoothly as expected.
B) My modifications are simplistic:
- Sprite restore of all my emails/texts/contacts.
- HTC Task Manager for the Quick Task Menu in the Sense Tabs.
- Total Commander, PHM Regedit, Advanced Config 3.3
- Tweaked the Boot up images and splash screens via Advanced Config
- Tweaked certain "cache" sizes in Advanced Config to "Recommended" settings for speed of access.

That's it. I have often thought about a "Custom ROM" but much like many of the sites dealing with Smart phones, pocket pc's, etc, there are of the 27 pages of posts for about 2 posts worth of actual useful information. The nature of the WEB forum now-a-days is cluttered with lot of off topic discussion (and frustrated diatribes like this one *shrug*, mea culpa). So far Mr. X ROM looks like what I may be moving towards, but using Custom ROMs may or may not be less/more frustrating. If I back up my data with Sprite backup, will it restore the same? Will the configuration of my backgrounds and quick settings be the same? Will it require me to do multiple stages, from installing some "Unlocking" cab or simply running an install on my computer with ActiveSync connected to my phone? Not to mention once installed, the ROM itself needs to be tweaked further. That doesn't even bring into question the nature of development, as a programmer I am moving into the Mobile device development, will the WM6.5 be the same in the Custom ROM or will that alter how my applications will run.
Out of the box(es) I can build a entire desktop PC, and install XP pro (have not yet migrated to 7) in less than 2 hours, usually about 1 +/- a few minutes. I can even decrease that time if I used a modified install with all the most recent SPs and hotfixes. I can restore my applications and data and be up and running from bang-to-buck in under 3.5 hours.
So far, to find the information I need to Install, restore data, setup programs, and tweak performance takes easily 2 if not 3 times longer on a device that is less robust than a full computer. It is more complicated technology to be sure, but my Phone cannot do everything a PC can, thus the setups should be simpler overall.

Knowing the industry as I do, it is first known: 15% of ALL hardware ships faulty. Why? Consumers want the tech NOW and the manufacturers can't keep up fast enough. Hence, the warranties and other insurances to replace the defective components, whether they be a PocketPC, or a video card for a desktop. Similarly, Software, especially Operating Systems, ships similarly faulty for the same reason which is why we have Updates and Service Packs. This is due again to consumers wanting the newer products and more powerful features in their systems ASAP, and as a professional in the community sometimes it is more beneficial (profitable) to release "less than ideal" software sooner to get people using it, and then release a fix or patch later to resolve some of the issues that could not be fixed prior to meeting the launch date deadline.

Working with PCs, I often have the same reaction I have received here, thinking "Geez, you just do this, and this, and it all works perfectly, what's the glitch." Well, the average user does not know how to handle a registry tweak, or personalize file management, or tweak the over all performance of the system. Nor do they have the wherewithal to know the simplistic everyday operational habits to maintain a functional and smooth running system. I rarely if ever get any infections on my desktop, because I can just know what is safe and what isn't, what works and what doesn't, and how to detect and eradicate problems before they take root. This is due to long exposure and practice and use for many years. The same can be said for many here that have commented about my frustration, who have had 3, 4, 5, or more phones, pocket pcs, smart phones, and other mobile technologies for many years. I never even wanted a cell phone, and did not finally acquire one, until last year. Being Windows based, it makes life much simpler since many of the settings and general nature of the TP2's OS, is so similar to the Microsoft Desktop platforms that my learning curve is much faster than say, if I was using android or the iphone or blackberry OS's.
Tragically, as well, for reasons I am not yet sure of, PPCGeeks forums are the SLOWEST of all my internet development forums for gaining and researching information. MSDN, Access World Forums, Advanced Installer Forums, and even the Delphi newsgroups, may take a bit to load, but once loaded I can scan a page very fast. The Forums here, once loaded jump and skip, and scroll very erratically, and can take upwards of a full minute just to scroll to the bottom of the page. I can spin my mousewheel and Firefox may take up to 10 seconds before noticing I even tried to scroll, and then the page will jump far beyond where I wanted to scroll to. Maybe they are more graphic intensive, or maybe the php is performing extra dynamic processes using a higher bandwidth after the page is loaded, it could be many number of things. The end result is that as this is a premier resource for pocketpcs, (and i do respect all the wonderful help you all provide for everyone) the lag on the way the site is displayed in my browser can slow me down, and turn a simple search and read into hours of research to find a single nugget of information. When initially setting up and configuring a more complicated device like a pocket pc, it takes more than a "single nugget" to complete the process.
Perhaps in another year of development for these devices, and investigations and tweaks I've had to learn in to order to understand how and why they operate the way they do, I too will be up to the same speed as others here.
Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: HTC Sense

Are you using anything like CleanRAM to clean the system up regularly? With that program you can set it to run several times a day to free up system resources on your phone.
Link to CleanRAM


Just because it can download 5 e-mail account's all the time does not mean that it’s always the best thing to do. It’s very well known around these parts that having Ton’s of e-mails downloaded can and will cause issues over time. I am not saying don’t do it but just making sure that it’s clear to you that it can put a real load on the phone.

As for the 27 pages of ROM’s that are out there it’s because there are many different wants for everyone and being a open forum you are going to find thousands of answer’s of what runs best and who is going. I would say that out of all of those you could probably narrow that down to 4 to 5 options of what would suite you the best. To find out what is going to work best for YOU is READING and trying them. Yes it’s a lot of setup and reinstalling but there are a lot of really good tool’s to make things automated. Remember that is NOT a pc it’s a Phone. It’s a very water downed version of a PC and has quarks of its own. For the average user it’s simple and easy, you are not an average user. You belong more in the Power User category. Just like in the PC world Power Users are going to tweak there PC to run Great for them.

Tweaking your Phone is just going to take time and LOTS AND LOTS of time reading and trying the programs and setups, it’s all trial and error. There is just no way around it that’s just what it takes.

A Great Post you should look at for making things more automated for installing and setting up your phone.


As Far as the site being slow for you it has to be your PC and your Browser, this site loads GREAT and RUNS like a champ. I am on it all day long and doesn’t miss a beat.
Stock and Rooted

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 09:20 PM
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Re: HTC Sense

no problems running this site from home or work or opera mini 5 for me.
have you tried disabling sense and downloading mobile shell??? might work better for you and there is a 2 week trial for it.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 11:40 PM
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Re: HTC Sense

First, dude I've been there...Some ROMS seem to not work while other people said they did. Try running TASK29 first and then flashing.

If you are a programmer then download a kitchen and mod it your way. I don't like programing and building my own ROM went really quickly and I finally have a ROM that I can work with (6.1 with sense 2.1 [I can deal with out all the eye candy in trade for speed])

Lastly, on not releasing software until it is 100% functional cannot be true. Sorry but this never happens in software design. Not all errors can be accounted for until users start going at it. If you spend too much time fixing all the bugs you are more than likely to lose your target audience to someone who released a decently working program and worked at the same time to fix problems that came up...just a few things I've learned as an EGR student at ASU.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 04:03 PM
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Re: HTC Sense

Originally Posted by cd85233 View Post
First, dude I've been there...Some ROMS seem to not work while other people said they did. Try running TASK29 first and then flashing.

If you are a programmer then download a kitchen and mod it your way. I don't like programing and building my own ROM went really quickly and I finally have a ROM that I can work with (6.1 with sense 2.1 [I can deal with out all the eye candy in trade for speed])

Lastly, on not releasing software until it is 100% functional cannot be true. Sorry but this never happens in software design. Not all errors can be accounted for until users start going at it. If you spend too much time fixing all the bugs you are more than likely to lose your target audience to someone who released a decently working program and worked at the same time to fix problems that came up...just a few things I've learned as an EGR student at ASU.
try my rom in my sig if u want speed mixed with beauty (said based of u still using 6.1 based rom)
Advanced posting,PPCG Wiki
Vzw sim unlock, sd rom flashing!!!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: HTC Sense

Originally Posted by JaedenRuiner View Post

The phone is practically useless without HTC Sense. I can live with the windows default screen, but tapping #s in a web page messes up the "call this number" along with other situations.

but this is INTOLERABLE. I threw my HTC TP 1 in to an EFFING WALL because it wasn't reacting fast enough. If I didn't want to pay the $100 deductable, I'd have already done again 10 times since with the TP2. THis is the most worthless device. Sure it may actually be better, but it doesn't work. I click, it does nothing. I tap, it does nothing. WHY! WHY! WHY! WHY!. I'm a programmer, I know how computers CAN work, but this is pointless. Why hasn't this device been banned by the better business bureau 5 years ago. I mean, at least the TP 1 with WM6.1 worked...slow, but it worked. this doesn't even do that!
whoa, calm down sparky. My Tp2 basically behaves as I expect. If this is your first windows mobile device, I suspect your expectations are a wee bit too high for this platform.

Honestly for the WM platform to run smooth, it has to be tweaked. If you don't want to tweak the platform to get it to run the best of its ability, get an Iphone as I expect you'd be better satisfied.
Don't forget to hit THANKS!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 06:06 PM
tjELITE's Avatar
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Re: HTC Sense

Originally Posted by JaedenRuiner View Post
I know it is always easy to point to the user and claim there is a "loose nut behind the keyboard". I do it myself when I'm having to deal with the problems created by users. I expect a "modicum amount of configuring." As it is, I re-setup the emails to only retain the last like 5 days of emails, and HTC Sense sped up dramatically. But now, give or take every other day, I have to hit the reset button to reboot the device because whether it is HTC Messaging, or Wm 6.5, or whatever, something locks up the device so that I can't even get back to the home tab. I therefore have to use the Start Menu to navigate and when i try to run the Texts or Emails or other apps through the Start menu, the phone freezes. I can use the physical button on the front to return to the Start menu, and the task manager will tell me an app is running, but I can't get to it. So I have to soft reset the device in order to use it again.

A) I didn't modify anything until the phone was showing signs of not working as smoothly as expected.
B) My modifications are simplistic:
- Sprite restore of all my emails/texts/contacts.
- HTC Task Manager for the Quick Task Menu in the Sense Tabs.
- Total Commander, PHM Regedit, Advanced Config 3.3
- Tweaked the Boot up images and splash screens via Advanced Config
- Tweaked certain "cache" sizes in Advanced Config to "Recommended" settings for speed of access.

That's it. I have often thought about a "Custom ROM" but much like many of the sites dealing with Smart phones, pocket pc's, etc, there are of the 27 pages of posts for about 2 posts worth of actual useful information. The nature of the WEB forum now-a-days is cluttered with lot of off topic discussion (and frustrated diatribes like this one *shrug*, mea culpa). So far Mr. X ROM looks like what I may be moving towards, but using Custom ROMs may or may not be less/more frustrating. If I back up my data with Sprite backup, will it restore the same? Will the configuration of my backgrounds and quick settings be the same? Will it require me to do multiple stages, from installing some "Unlocking" cab or simply running an install on my computer with ActiveSync connected to my phone? Not to mention once installed, the ROM itself needs to be tweaked further. That doesn't even bring into question the nature of development, as a programmer I am moving into the Mobile device development, will the WM6.5 be the same in the Custom ROM or will that alter how my applications will run.
Out of the box(es) I can build a entire desktop PC, and install XP pro (have not yet migrated to 7) in less than 2 hours, usually about 1 +/- a few minutes. I can even decrease that time if I used a modified install with all the most recent SPs and hotfixes. I can restore my applications and data and be up and running from bang-to-buck in under 3.5 hours.
So far, to find the information I need to Install, restore data, setup programs, and tweak performance takes easily 2 if not 3 times longer on a device that is less robust than a full computer. It is more complicated technology to be sure, but my Phone cannot do everything a PC can, thus the setups should be simpler overall.

Knowing the industry as I do, it is first known: 15% of ALL hardware ships faulty. Why? Consumers want the tech NOW and the manufacturers can't keep up fast enough. Hence, the warranties and other insurances to replace the defective components, whether they be a PocketPC, or a video card for a desktop. Similarly, Software, especially Operating Systems, ships similarly faulty for the same reason which is why we have Updates and Service Packs. This is due again to consumers wanting the newer products and more powerful features in their systems ASAP, and as a professional in the community sometimes it is more beneficial (profitable) to release "less than ideal" software sooner to get people using it, and then release a fix or patch later to resolve some of the issues that could not be fixed prior to meeting the launch date deadline.

Working with PCs, I often have the same reaction I have received here, thinking "Geez, you just do this, and this, and it all works perfectly, what's the glitch." Well, the average user does not know how to handle a registry tweak, or personalize file management, or tweak the over all performance of the system. Nor do they have the wherewithal to know the simplistic everyday operational habits to maintain a functional and smooth running system. I rarely if ever get any infections on my desktop, because I can just know what is safe and what isn't, what works and what doesn't, and how to detect and eradicate problems before they take root. This is due to long exposure and practice and use for many years. The same can be said for many here that have commented about my frustration, who have had 3, 4, 5, or more phones, pocket pcs, smart phones, and other mobile technologies for many years. I never even wanted a cell phone, and did not finally acquire one, until last year. Being Windows based, it makes life much simpler since many of the settings and general nature of the TP2's OS, is so similar to the Microsoft Desktop platforms that my learning curve is much faster than say, if I was using android or the iphone or blackberry OS's.
Tragically, as well, for reasons I am not yet sure of, PPCGeeks forums are the SLOWEST of all my internet development forums for gaining and researching information. MSDN, Access World Forums, Advanced Installer Forums, and even the Delphi newsgroups, may take a bit to load, but once loaded I can scan a page very fast. The Forums here, once loaded jump and skip, and scroll very erratically, and can take upwards of a full minute just to scroll to the bottom of the page. I can spin my mousewheel and Firefox may take up to 10 seconds before noticing I even tried to scroll, and then the page will jump far beyond where I wanted to scroll to. Maybe they are more graphic intensive, or maybe the php is performing extra dynamic processes using a higher bandwidth after the page is loaded, it could be many number of things. The end result is that as this is a premier resource for pocketpcs, (and i do respect all the wonderful help you all provide for everyone) the lag on the way the site is displayed in my browser can slow me down, and turn a simple search and read into hours of research to find a single nugget of information. When initially setting up and configuring a more complicated device like a pocket pc, it takes more than a "single nugget" to complete the process.
Perhaps in another year of development for these devices, and investigations and tweaks I've had to learn in to order to understand how and why they operate the way they do, I too will be up to the same speed as others here.
Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner
I fell asleep reading your post....sorry....
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