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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:23 AM
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Stuck on 6.5... need some guidance

Ok for starters... playing with my Sprint TP2... kind of a noob but very computer savvy so Im learning quickly. Now 6.1 was cool with a ton of addons to make it better, go figure right? Actually sold a buddy on one with the basic features of it

My problem lies in the fact that I went thru Sprint's site, downloaded the 6.5 upgrade, ran it, flashed it, GOLDEN!!! works flawlessly... minus the fact that the auto speaker phone during the call when you put it face down doesnt work, and my basic battery life dropped to 24 hrs max from 72 hrs of normal use, but i can charge it daily... not so bothersome

But I want to upgrade to a different ROM... get the better custom perks out of it to really go... yea... its custom... looky here . But I cant! Its like sprints upgrade put a block on it. Ive tried all 8ish roms from energy, medium hill, both sprint big cookie's, and a few others and they all stop at the same point. I get it synced, it goes to the RGB screen, hits the grey loader and stalls... never leaves 0%. Now this is on the same computer i did the upgrade on, its a custom built amd dual core, running Windows 7 Ultimate... should be perfectly capable of doing this, since it did the initial upgrade but its stalling. Ive tried restarting both, multiple times, no luck. Tried other ROMs, no luck. It just reboots back to the Sprint 6.5 upgrade rom, never clears it, just wont upgrade it.

Like I said, its like theres a block on the upgrade, but I dont know. Ive been reading on the Task 29 flasher/cleaner, but that worries me because I dont want to brick the phone and have to pay for another. Is there something I might be doing wrong, or do i HAVE to run the task 29 to get past the original upgrade. Or am I stuck with the original upgrade, or am I just an oddball that has a crappy phone thats stubborn and doesnt want to take it.... 12+ ROM upgrade attempts cant be all bad downloads on a 8mb internet line

Please help
- TL
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 02:26 AM
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Re: Stuck on 6.5... need some guidance

have you hspl unlocked your phone???
make sure your firewall and antivirus are off when you do it. you only get one shot per computer to do it right.
if you have already done that, then i'm not sure what is going on.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 03:03 AM
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Re: Stuck on 6.5... need some guidance

Ok... your good... problem solved... shoulda read a lil more i guess, I overlooked that part =D>

thank you

*clicking thanks button now*
Rom Installed and workin like a champ
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 04:18 AM
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Re: Stuck on 6.5... need some guidance

i'm bad about not reading the fine print....
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