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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 07:35 PM
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Morphgear Autosetup

I looked through the forum, saw many different threads about emulators, but really all basic and nothing really worthwhile. There is some talk about smartgear, which you can see in this thread here.

For quite a while I have been using Morphgear. I normally play my emulator here at Sprint inbetween waiting to operate on broken phones, so I dont have much use for sound. Honestly if I wanted sound Id bust out on my Wii and enjoy.

I usually use Morphgear to play my SNES and GENESIS games. (you can download the module for the NES, Gameboy, Gameboy advance, but you have to pay for it to use more than like 10 minutes or so.)

The SNES is a module based off the SNES9x emulator, and the Genesis is based off of the GENERATOR.

The only problem with the Touch Pro 2 is the keyboard emulates duplicate key presses. no matter what you try to do, it will always try to emulate key 115 and the key you are trying to press. There are a few fixes, the rhodium keyboard controller, which allows you to remap the keyboard.

You can also go to the registry and manually change every key to what you need.

i have attached a .reg file that if your favorite Cook puts XDA_UC in their rom, all you have to do is attach the .reg file to your XDA_UC folder at the root of your SD card. If you are using my .reg file, you will need to put the morphgear .cab files in the XDA_UC folder as well and have them named earlier in the alphabet than the .reg file. (XDA_UC installs and runs each file depending on the name. numbers first, then alphabetically)

I am going to attach my XDA_UC folder zipped, and it'll be there till it gets taken off. i have the SNES and GENESIS mapped out, but ill post instructions to manually configure using a Registry editor later on.

Just my 2cents.

My Key layout is as follows:

arrow keys (normal)

start= enter
select= space
Attached Files
File Type: zip XDA_UC.zip (807.9 KB, 27 views) Click for barcode!
WM 6.5 may be being phased, but the heartbeat of the windows mobile community is like a heard of elk.
Actually the windows mobile community is more like a rabbit family than a heard of elk. all it takes is a slight bit of action and next thing you know theres a million of them.

Last edited by newkidd; 04-29-2010 at 08:11 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: Morphgear Autosetup

Manual Setup:

In order to manually setup your morphgear settings, you have to go into the application and bring up the settings for each module (snes/genesis/general settings) to auto populate each setting key, otherwise it makes things difficult. You must be exited from Morphgear completely before making changes, otherwise all changes you make will revert back to default when you exit.

all registry changes were made using PHM Registry Editor. a cab file is included in the XDA_UC folder i have made on post 1.

If you need and exact extract of the registry, i have added it here. you can download it and edit it through Notepad. this will give you the string/dword settings. all keypad values are HEXidecimal.

Some custom Rom's make it difficult to change the options of Morphgear through the program itself, ( I have only gotten it to work on Sprint stock roms, even though I have flashed almost every CDMA custom rom PPCGEEKS has to offer) so the only way to make some of the setting changes is through the registry.

If you are not very good with dealing with registry, there is an excellent tutorial HERE.

The location you will find Morphgear's settings are here:

My Key layout is as follows:

arrow keys (normal)

start= enter
select= space

HKEY_CURRENT_USER(referred as HKCU from now on)

The Morphgear Software settings are under the Morphgear location
Genesis settings are in Morphgear under Genesis
Snes Settings likewise.

My morphgear application settings are as follows:

"BGFileName"=\\Program Files\\Games\\MorphGear\\MorphGearLogo.bmp
"InputPolling"=1 (must be on to recieve keypad input)
"InstallDir"=\\Program Files\\Games\\MorphGear
"NoFullScreen"=1 (change to 0 to go fullscreen)
"Orientation"=East (flips orientation of screen 90 degrees clockwise. Keypad must be open before running morphgear or glitching may occur.)
"ROMPath"=\\Storage Card
"SavedGameRoot"=\\My Documents\\Saved Game Files

My Genesis settings are as follows:

"jsUp"=0 (all these in GREEN apply to virtual onscreen keypad which is a pain in the butt to use.)
"PadSkin"="MorphGear Default"


My SNES settings are as follows:

"PadSkin"="MorphGear Default"

As a final, as i figure something else i forgot ill add it here.

If you want to change your key layout, use the following


if you do not use the arrow keys I have given, the Dpad will be off. since the orientation needs to be set east, to make the keys work you have to rotate them clockwise one turn. I have already done the figuring out for you, so dont even worry!
Attached Files
File Type: reg zzzMorphGear.reg (5.2 KB, 8 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by newkidd; 04-29-2010 at 08:27 PM. Reason: Updating Information
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 08:34 AM
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Re: Morphgear Autosetup

I don't know if this was previously mentioned, but I downloaded this and it worked fine on my Omnia II.. but after 5 minutes of playing it said i needed a license that costed $19.99 ;/ any way to get out of this?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 09:32 AM
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Re: Morphgear Autosetup

Originally Posted by holyrolr2 View Post
it said i needed a license that costed $19.99 ;/ any way to get out of this?
WE dont crack apps,offer cracks for apps, or even talk about cracking apps here on PPCG.. this isnt that kind of site
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

emulator, genesis, morphgear, snes

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