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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 04:29 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

^^ think some just got confused at first glance what it actually did.. just imagine, a little tote bag jamming others cell phone... highly impossible.

you'd need a pretty powerful transmitting device to mass jam cell phone signal..
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 04:47 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

The operation of transmitters designed to jam or block wireless communications is a violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Act"). See 47 U.S.C. Sections 301, 302a, 333. The Act prohibits any person from willfully or maliciously interfering with the radio communications of any station licensed or authorized under the Act or operated by the U.S. government. 47 U.S.C. Section 333. The manufacture, importation, sale or offer for sale, including advertising, of devices designed to block or jam wireless transmissions is prohibited. 47 U.S.C. Section 302a(b). Parties in violation of these provisions may be subject to the penalties set out in 47 U.S.C. Sections 501-510. Fines for a first offense can range as high as $11,000 for each violation or imprisonment for up to one year, and the device used may also be seized and forfeited to the U.S. government.

seems to be pretty open ended languange.. says "operation of transmitters"... but then uses "devices" later.. guess itd come down to the definition of "devices" if you had to fight it....

and i was just looking online... you can get a wifi/bluetooth/radio(3 in 1) signal jammer with decent distance radius for well under 300 bucks and its no bigger than a handheld police scanner...
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 05:00 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

Tin foil works well at most mobile frequencies though. A conspiracy theorist told me that once.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 05:41 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
this impeeds nothing to call for emergencies... so what exactly, someone cant call your device?? i can turn off my device and accomplish that too... theres even websites now for all these new no texting laws, where one can set up an account and via text, block calls while driving, then text again to turn it back on...

this isnt really the same as cell jamming, not in the context of the law anyways.. unlawful cell jamming im pretty sure due to the legal language, means you have to "broadcast" a signal to jam.. this wouldnt be crossing that line by legal definition... ill see if i can find more info i suppose as im not the foremost authority
You cannot call and receive calls. The Pouch does not only block phone calls, It blocks the frequency.Even on password protected phone, a phone that has no service can make an emergency call.
It says on the link you provided that the pouch will block ALL FREQUENCIES. all Cell Frequencies on the planet.

Jamming a cell phone is illegal in the U.S. Very illegal. And not just by ordinary citizens. It's illegal for theater and restaurant owners to jam (block) calls, and even state and local police or prison officials. The U.S., in fact, has the strictest laws in the world against jamming cell calls. U.S. law prohibits not only buying, selling, carrying or owning a cell phone jammer, but also posting a Craigslist ad that claims you're selling one. If you're caught with a jammer, you could face up to $11,000 in fines and up to one year in prison.
Some have called for the right to jam calls in movie theaters, hospitals and elsewhere. But others say that doing so would block calls in an emergency.

You dont need to turn off your phone or your radio on theaters. Just need to silent the ringer.
You don't have a signal when ur 50,000 feet inside the Plane.

The only agency allowed to use jammers are the military for a reasonable cause.

Don't you even realize that the idea is so cool, U can only get it in China?
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Last edited by jethro_static; 04-26-2010 at 05:59 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 06:35 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

I am not one to post like this typically but this is something I am interested in,

A theater could easily construct a inexpensive faraday cage during construction and remodels of theaters which would make it impossible to acquire a cellular signal. To do so would not be in violation of the Communications Act of 1934 otherwise known as Chapter 5 of 47.U.S.C. § 151 as it is only illegal to produce an wireless signal which interferes with another licensed service. Hospitals could do the same but they would not because of paging services.

You would have a signal at 50,000 feet as FM radio is line of sight and considering most cellular towers produce between 10 and 100 Watts PEP. The reason the FCC asks that mobile phones not to be used was because originally when mobile phones used 3 Watts of power they would cause problems with multiple towers considering the line of sight advantage, when digital communication became the norm the concern was one of channel reuse. The FAA was initially concerned about instrumentation issues which have been disproved using existing handsets. Several airlines are investigating the use of picocells pending FCC and FAA approval.

Regarding cellular usage, the Federal Government is allowed to block radio traffic via the National Security Act of 1947. I have been in numerous federal facilities where mobile phones were not allowed.

As for the case, who knows? All I can say is I appreciate the freedoms afforded to me by the Constitution.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:08 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

I don't get cell signal in jerryworld (new Cowboys stadium). bet he has it blocked!!!

really though, I bet that kills your phone battery, always searching for signal.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 07:50 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

Originally Posted by mplsfalls1973 View Post
I am not one to post like this typically but this is something I am interested in,

A theater could easily construct a inexpensive faraday cage during construction and remodels of theaters which would make it impossible to acquire a cellular signal. To do so would not be in violation of the Communications Act of 1934 otherwise known as Chapter 5 of 47.U.S.C. § 151 as it is only illegal to produce an wireless signal which interferes with another licensed service. Hospitals could do the same but they would not because of paging services.

You would have a signal at 50,000 feet as FM radio is line of sight and considering most cellular towers produce between 10 and 100 Watts PEP. The reason the FCC asks that mobile phones not to be used was because originally when mobile phones used 3 Watts of power they would cause problems with multiple towers considering the line of sight advantage, when digital communication became the norm the concern was one of channel reuse. The FAA was initially concerned about instrumentation issues which have been disproved using existing handsets. Several airlines are investigating the use of picocells pending FCC and FAA approval.

Regarding cellular usage, the Federal Government is allowed to block radio traffic via the National Security Act of 1947. I have been in numerous federal facilities where mobile phones were not allowed.

As for the case, who knows? All I can say is I appreciate the freedoms afforded to me by the Constitution.
Yo Yo, What I meant for 50,000 feet is above sea level. Meaning, Ur up there.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

The OP is right. The bag will only block signals from reaching your cell phone. It will not affect others. I've seen signal jammers that would affect a small area, and trust me they are much different from a simple bag.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 02:14 PM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

The sad part is that there are probably people who would actually purchase a bag in order to put their phones into Airplane Mode instead of using the built-in feature on their phones.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 02:23 PM
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Re: seen anything like this before?? block all cellular radio activity

WOW! Thats all I can say is WOW! Read the ad. It Plainly says
"Mobile Phone Blocking Bag. Nifty and simple gadget for blocking your cell phone from receiving mobile calls.

When using this bag, your number appears as Unavailable or Network Busy for the person calling you. Making it easier for you to stay out of touch when you need some quiet time. The bag also includes and extra pocket for money or your favorite phone accessory.

The Mobile Phone Blocking Bag works with all networks and is extremely easy to use. Simply place your phone into the bag and all calls to you will not get through. Great for meetings, hospitals, and those people wanting to protect their privacy."

Nuff said. Then again, I may be wrong, I am only a Truck Driver!!!!
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