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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 06:29 PM
Rational Dreamer's Avatar
Pocket PC: Touch Pro 2 and PPC 6700
Carrier: Sprint
Location: Colorado and Wyoming
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Disapearing Appointments Sense 2.5

Upgrading to WM 6.5 and Sense 2.5 was so easy that I should have known the painlessness would not last. On two separate phones -one so stock that Sprint could use it as a display- appointments created in sense 2.5 disappear! Now, the appointments seem to still be there -that processor lag is really something sometimes!- and if this was a PC, I would say it was the result of malicious code; however, the stock phone would seem to preclude the case. Since the appointments would seem to still exist outside of sense and do show up in the home screen (on the day of the appointment only) even when in agenda view -the messages do not show up in any view; however, agenda view is particularly telling- an entire month of appointments would seem to have vanished into the ether, I would conclude that the problem is with sense 2.5.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas? Thanks for your help

To clarify: when switching screens, the processor lag is sufficient that one may observe the appointments for a second or so before the processor catches up and the appointments are replaced with " new appointment" and a weather report. Naturally, the weather report works flawlessly-the animation.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

disapearing messages, problems calendar, problems sense 2.5

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