Originally Posted by raptors2k
Before when I was using the TP I open my skype. Go to my PHONE CONtacts (the ones on my TP contact NOT the Skype contacts).. select a contact then scroll down and I had an option where it said call with Skype. (when i press that skype automatically calls that number)
On the TP2 i don't c that option...
anybody knows why? and how can i bring it back??
Thank you
At the bootom of the screen there is tab called contacts. Tab on it and it'll bring you to the contacts page. On the Contacts page, tap on the name of the contact. It'll bring up three icons on the screen: phone, Chats, and an arrow key for pop-up menu. Tab on the phone icon and it'll call your contact. Or you may tab the "Call" at the lower left hand corner of the screen.