Extreme phone problems! Help please
I have the updated sprint rom of 6.5. I have all the transperancy mods, no backgrounds,no curtains, and the stealth slider, (removed the taskbar mod as I thought it was causing my problem) cookie mod. My phone when i go to text messages will freeze up about 60% of the time and then I have to completely reboot. When going from a conversation back to the inbox (where all the messages are stored) the top header of the message box (where it says inbox on the right and From on the left) this part glitches and shows a message where that box normally would be and causes the phone to freeze. I do not run the tweaks/clean up as I thought this was causing the problem. I have master reset twice to attempt to fix the problem and reseting is getting old. Does anyone else have this problem or an idea of what is happening. If not it looks like its back to mobile shell for me. Thanks for the help and sorry for the long drawn out problem.