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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 08:03 PM
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Does streaming MKV vs DIVX make a difference in ORB and Kinoma?

I was wondering if the file type (MKV vs Divx/Xvid) makes a difference in the streamability thru Orb and Kinoma Free Play. I only have MKV files because they are in HD quality and about 4gb in size. However I would like to stream to my phone. I notice that it is always choppy and rebuffering.

I was wondering if Divx is easier because the file size is smaller. I just tried a small Divx file and it seems to stream without buffering.

Does Orb take the file and compress the file and make it streamable? Should there be no difference in streaming MKV's vs Divx?

Can any of you stream 720p MKV's files over Sprint's EVDO network?

I just don't want to keep a two types of the same movie.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: Does streaming MKV vs DIVX make a difference in ORB and Kinoma?

our phone only has a max resolution of 800x480, meaning anything above 480 is just overkill (such as trying to fit 720p videos on our screen).


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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: Does streaming MKV vs DIVX make a difference in ORB and Kinoma?

Hey, can you tell me the best way to stream from my laptop or PC to the phone? I looked at Orb and it works ok (a little clunky) for MP3's but video was very choppy. I think this is because the video is going out on the internet and down to the phone. Is there a way to stream just in my wifi? Like map a drive or something?
Thanks for any help.
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